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king of nowhere

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Everything posted by king of nowhere

  1. I tried to, but it won't load the save file. I tried both drag and drop, and to open from the browse menu, and i tried with different files. it says "updating" for a few seconds, then nothing happens
  2. I would like to land on duna with an automated probe (actually a big mining rig; for long reasons i sent the crew away and i would like to land it anyway and refuel so it's ready when, in a couple of years, another ship arrives and may desperately need the fuel), yet i realized a problem. the probe has a communotron 88, it will get broken by aerodinamic forces during reentry. so i must fold it. at this point, though, i have no more control on the probe. and i selected the "no control without signal" option; I can't even use the basic control of throttling up and down. so, i will reenter atmosphere. then i will need to deploy parachutes, and that can be done authonomously, here is the first problem, though, in the probe orientation: i need to keep it pointed radially, or or makes too little drag and it will crash on the ground before it can deploy the chutes. but after the chutes are deployed, i must turn it retrograde, because the chutes give it a massive tug that would rip the ship apart if it's not pointed retrograde. and then i must use the rockets to slow down to finish landing, of course. which i can't do without control. i will have probably around 500 m/s available after reaching Duna. enough for some manuevers, not for a full rocket braking. going to ike and landing there is also not an option, nor is sending a relay, for other weird reasons that mostly amount to self-imposed challenge. i am using kerbalism, and it gives some additional automated options, but they are triggered by events like "enter atmosphere" or "landed". and they won't let me point radial/retrograde anyway. In short, I can't think of any way to land this thing without breaking the rules of my challenge. i may get away with not landing, it will really depend on how much fuel will be left on the other ship arriving to duna in the future. anyway, can you think of a way to land without control?
  3. I am trying to take a screenshot where i show the trajectories of three ships that are taking slightly different gravity assists with very different results. But I can't fit them in the screenshot, I can at most fit 2. I select a ship and of course i see its trajectory. then i can set ship 2 as target, and see its trajectory too. can't do anything for ship 3 (except set it as target, take another screenshot at the same angle, and painstakingly try to copy-paste trajectories on paint). i can go to the tracking station but it doesn't show changes in trajectory after a gravity assist, nor does it show the trajectory going on. three ships incoming for tylo. this is tracking station, won't show them closing on tylo at all one goes on to laythe, one makes an injection burn to stay on tylo and one takes a larger trajectory that will eventually see it on Pol can i capture all those in the same screenshot?
  4. this is the message. pressing time warp has no effect. saving, restarting pc, reloading has no effect on it. i can chance control to other ships outside of physical range, and when controlling those, i can time warp. then i go back here, and i cannot. docking the ship didn't make a difference either what the hell is happening? EDIT: the effect seem to have ended when all vessels went out of physical range
  5. technically yes. but then, technically, no. he can never achieve orbit while burning inside the atmosphere, not without a course correction while outside the atmosphere.
  6. i had similar issues myself, but it looked more like a bug related to high time warp. i don't know how complicated it would be to avoid it
  7. it's not a matter of angle, it's a matter of doing the manuever in the right spot. you must make the manuever as you are making it, but you must do it only when you are close to apoapsis. you are doing it in the wrong place
  8. woah, that's huge. and at the same time, so simple i can't fathom how nobody thought of it before. a couple questions, though: was the radiator panel actually necessary? Isru goes slower without it, but it goes nonetheless. and would have it been possible to use a single bigger fuel tank on top instead of the two you used? seems like the part count limit could be brought to 7 in that case
  9. same game running, if i got your meaning. i mean, during those weeks i keep restarting the pc. but i always play the same sandbox no other ship was launched. in fact, a few of the shuttles attached to the main ship have been retired since then (and by retired, i mean brought to kerbin and recovered)
  10. memory leakage is a thing, but i can fix it by restarting the pc. this is a slower thing that happens over weeks.
  11. yes, rendez-vous is the best option. no, it is the ONLY option. you can't do anything with him right now, you must send help. you will have to learn rendez vous anyway sooner or later he said he's played 20 hours. I strongly doubt he has unlocked any of that stuff
  12. During a particularly slow docking, I accidentally time warped the shuttle inside the station. the resulting explosion was really spectacular and well worth reloading the game, though. having a really big ship meant lots of lag, and that allowed me to capture the explosion in slow motion
  13. are you on flat ground? going upslope, even a few degrees, can have a dramatic impact on wheel performance. as for being able to calculate a wheel performance, i would like that too. so far i never encountered hard data, the only certainty is that the traction value will be "less than you would like"
  14. if it's not caused by loss of control, it is caused by a bug. it happens to me from time to time. another sympthom of it is the mouse wheel being inverted, does it do the same to you too? when it happens, there are a few things to attempt. changing control of a ship can help. sending a kerbonaut in eva, then back inside the ship again sometimes fixes the issue. the safest solution, though, is simply to reload the game
  15. I made a big ship aptly named dream big, and it has about 1000 parts. of course it lags. but what's surprising is that, as my game progress, the lag is getting worse. even though i did get rid of some parts and reduced part counts. as a crude estimate, i use an external chronometer to see how long it takes for 10 in-game seconds to pass while i have the big ship in physical range. a couple weeks ago, it took 31 real life seconds, so time was slowed by a third. today i made the measure again, and it took 52 real life seconds to pass 10 game seconds. both measures were done with the game just opened after having started the pc shortly before. the lag keeps getting worse during a gaming session until i restart the pc, but even there, there is some long term lingering effect. I noticed the same problem another time with a 500 parts ship, but i didn't think to collect hard numbers at the time is there any reason why, as i play more on a saved game, the game gets slower? the mission is a grand tour, it's not even like i am launching additional ships for the pc to keep track of. more important, is there any way to clear this up?
  16. to expand on what other said, when you burn - any kind of burn - in orbit, you are going to change the orbit on the opposite side. the place where you burn is going to stay exactly the same. so, if you are inside an atmosphere at 40 km, you can burn as much as you want, you will raise your apoapsis but your periapsis will always stay no higher than 40 km. for this reason you must wait until you are close to apoapsis before circularizing. when you set apoapsis at 80 km, you like that. you want that part of the orbit to stay there. so you burn in that place.
  17. i stopped playing career and i am now only focusing on individual challenge missions. after a while, there's no more satisfaction in all the tourism contracts and stuff
  18. I did consider it. there are, however, multiple difficulties. if i send a new crew to the DREAM BIG, I would need to build and launch a new vessel and send it to jool to meet the rest of the crew. that's a 2 year trip, unless i make an oversized rocket with extra fuel to cut on travel time. And it will be subjected to radiation, the hardware at least. and, more important, after those two years the new crew would be just as stressed as the old one. after every breakdown they lose 50% stress. A new crew would have to be less stressed than that, and it seems stress management is bugged. and then i would send back the highly stressed crew with the same ship, and malfunctions could be a problem. Or, the way you suggest with a kerbin assist, that would remove the problem with sending a new ship all the way to jool, but it would require to change all the flight schedule. Finding a Duna-Kerbin-Jool trajectory without stretching travel times is not easy. in stock game, or with unmanned probes, one can wait a couple of orbits to get a jool insertion five years later at a lower cost, but not in my case. and i need to be at jool at year 8 for the launch windows, and my fuel budget doesn't give me much leeway. on the other hand, the DREAM BIG was designed specifically to tank a lot of malfunctions - i was expecting space weathering to be harsher, though i was also expecting less crew breakdowns, so the two compensates. there isn't a critical systems of which i don't have at least 5 copies, and i can lose 70% of my stockpile of practically anything and still go on. so, ultimately, attempting to rotate the crew would generate many more problems than it can solve. especially considering the breakdown situation seems under control for the time being. it would also be less elegant, though if i do nothing but transfer crew i could still call it a grand tour. that's a secondary consideration, but it's still there. I did mention in some of the updates i considered rotating crews, that was mostly when i didn't knew how to fight radiations. I would do it if i thought it was necessary, and actually a workable solution
  19. Part 7: It's a long way to Dres and Jool (it's a long way to go) (and radiations) Digger 1/Dolphin 2 is launched towards Dres. The rest of the DREAM BIG goes on to Jool. Trucker is sent back to Kerbin and recovered. This part ends with the Dres landing. In stock game, the 2-years trip would take a few minutes with time warping. More problems with radiation management, and some bugs related to radiations and time warping, turn this a long, hard task with kerbalism, requiring innovative solutions. This is clearly a faked Dres landing, staged on Mun. Can't you see it looks identical? Checkmate! 7.1) Digger 1 leaves Duna 7.2) Digger 1 against radiations 7.3) DREAM BIG leaves Duna 7.4) Trucker homecoming 7.5) DREAM BIG in the inner Kerbol system 7.6) Refurbishing the DREAM BIG 7.7) The orbit must go on 7.8) Dres and back
  20. i opened a bug report on github. i was told that the time warp bug is well known, but they can't fix it. nothing to be done, at least in the short term. at least the sun went out of its period of high activity, so i have to stop for storms a bit less often. i will be ready for a new update soon
  21. it's not working at all for me. using 1.11, kerbalism and kerbal wind tunnel. no effect. i may be doing something wrong with installing, but i have no idea what
  22. there's no really flat terrain on mun. what i did was learning to land on sloped ground. as long as you avoid a crater wall, you should get at most 15-20 degrees. it's reasonably feasible to make a lander that is stable at that inclination. for challenges that prevent me from making such a lander, i just save scum a lot until i find a flat place. as for less inclined ground, anyway, i can recommend the spot around 2° N 5° E, just southwest of northwest crater. there is a narrow strip without craters there that i found particularly convenient to aim
  23. Ike is pretty useful. When you enter Duna system, you don't circularize all the way; instead, you can get to Ike, and that will save you some 200 m/s when you need to leave the planet later. You can also perform ISRU on Ike more easily than on Duna. You can get gravity assists from Ike when leaving Duna. You can't do any of this on dres. Getting to dres as a refueling station on the way to Jool won't work because going to dres is more expensive than going to Jool directly and refueling on Pol, or even Vall. So, I mentioned I was going to dres even though I didn't really want. but it's a grand tour, so you have to go on all planets celestial bodies, and sadly, dres do exhist for real. or maybe i'm just on Mun? let the fake dres landing conspiracy begin! Anyway, the kerbalism mod gives me a unique way to show my dislike for dres: dumping crap on it! You see, under kerbalism, kerbals eat and drink and breathe. the breathe part is not relevant here, but kerbals consume food and water and produce "waste" and "waste water". The vehicle you see there is called Digger 1. It's one of four sister ships I use to resupply my main ship, aptly called the DREAM BIG. Because to try a grand tour with kerbalism, to provide life support and radiation protection and redundancy for all the malfunctions for a decade-long mission, you really need something huge. By the kerbalism rules it's extremely hard to perform isru, as a compromise I decided i would use the stock isru, but only on duna (for long reasons that are explained in the mission report thread, which I take the chance to plug shamelessly). So, Digger 1 is not a long range ship, but it can hold food for months, for it is intended to spend some time on Duna (to reach dres, i had to couple it with another ship. that was not originally intended for the mission. Long story). Without a waste container, the waste is just dumped, but it seems a terrible waste of organic matter, and when you are planning a long term mission, you want to recycle as much as possible. So, I included a waste container on the Diggers. But not a waste processor. I only have one of those (five of those, actually) on the main ship, where i also keep the greenhouses. So I can transfer the waste and turn it into fertilizer. Well, for other long reasons, I had to send Digger 1 to dres on its own. I am not going to rejoin it with the mothership. the waste kept accumulating without being processed. I have no need for it, but the game stores it authomatically, and the weight is really so low, it's not worth bothering. So, I reached dres with several months worth of human waste products (the trip lasted over one year, but the waste tank got full eventually; a Digger was not supposed to venture on its own for more than a few months). So I decided to dump it all on dres. First thing, I tried to use the new EVa construction mode to detach the container and leave it on dres. unfortunately, the mod-specific parts could not be removed. i also discovered i cannot reattach the RGU back, so this avenue must be abandoned. But maybe a drain valve works? I had to import one with Alt-f12; dumping crap on dres wasn't part of my original plan. But after a few bugs, i finally managed to attach it in place and so, here i am ready to leave my "gift" to this DWARF planet. that spray should be more realistically some hue of yellow and brown and here it is, waste tank dumped! now i have to get rid of the valve, even though i have no use for it, it would be cheating to keep a part installed with cheats for the sake of a joke.
  24. more rockets? i've played 1500 hours on this game. I've launched hundreds of rockets. and most of them fly straight at the first try, unless i'm intentionally trying to do something crazy. and that rocket in the picture, it looks good to me. it looks much better than other things i've launched that flew true anyway. good proportion. aerodinamic shape. a lot of my rockets didn't have either. I mean, look at this other thing To send this thing in orbit, i just strapped 4 boosters underneath it. No control besides the reaction wheels. a big draggy thing on top. Does that thing balanced on 4 sticks look like a good rocket? But it flies smoothly, with a perfect gravity turn. And I made it 6 months ago, when i didn't have half the experience i have today. And on the other side, i had a rocket with a perfect rocket-like shape, good aerodinamics, just an apparently minor problem of center of mass being low, and that couldn't get to orbit. when this kind of #### happens, i don't want to just fix the rocket. I want to figure out why a rocket that looked good, wasn't.
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