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Everything posted by maddog59

  1. The data hasn't been stored in the lab yet ... it's all piled up in the Mk2 Lander Can that's connected to the lab. When I right click on the Lander Can, I see "Review Data (88)," can click thru each of the 88 experiments to see the green and blue value bars, and either save it, recycle it, send it to the lab for processing, or transmit it.
  2. Is there a way to take only certain data/experiments for recovery on Kerbin and leave others for processing in the lab? I have a mess of data on a station ... some of it is worth boku points if processed in the lab, others are worth more if recovered on Kerbin. I've put a Kerbanaut outside the cabin where the data is stored, so I can 'take the data,' but I don't see a mechanism for taking the one's I want for recovery and leaving others to be processed.
  3. Well I'll be d***! Almost a year of building ships and I didn't know you could use the shift key to do that! Thank you!!! I was referring to the green outline that appears around a part when you mouse over it, and the red outline that appears when you mouse over a part that's been dropped without being attached to anything. Well, I guess that makes sense ... My thanks to both you and @echo_3!
  4. Sunofagun! All this time and I never knew you could use the shift key like that! Thank you!! Actually, I was in the SPH ... I was referring to the way the parts light up green when you mouse over them, or if you drop a part without attaching it to anything it has a red outline.
  5. Yeah, no, that doesn't work for me. I can grab a light or a solar panel for instance, and no matter where I put it on the wheel's frame, the RovMax XL3 lights up green like all is well, but when I drop the light or solar panel, the part I dropped just goes red and is not attached. The best I can do is attach the part to the piece that the RovMax XL3 is attached to, and offset it from there, but that's very limited of course. I've been playing for almost a year and thought I knew how to attach things, but if it works for you, I'd love to know how you do it. I'm on Windows 1.11.2, in the SPH, if that matters at all.
  6. Not sure if this belongs here or in general discussion ... but why can't I attach anything to the RovMax XL3 wheels? They've got all of these great flat surfaces for lights and panels and any manner of gee-gaw, but nothing sticks.
  7. Show off! LOL What is that, Class E? And did you move it into a Kerbin orbit? If so, you gotta show us the ship you used. What's the best way to anchor a structure into an asteroid? I've not tried any myself, but I can only think of using an Klaw, since the gravity is virtually non-existent.
  8. Looks interesting - I'd love to see it from different angles. You couldn't scroll in and get closer?
  9. Looks like it's been entered: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26944 ... as of a couple of months ago they thought it was fixed, and it's currently showing "80% done." I'm wondering if it snuck back in with 1.11.2. I added my comments to the bug report along with a link to this thread.
  10. LOL - no kidding! "If G-d hadn't given us the infinite fuel cheat, it would've been necessary for Squad to have invented it" (my apologies to Voltaire).
  11. I have a target craft orbiting Kerbin East to West (rather than the usual West to East) and need to get another ship up to it. When I use the 'launch to target plane' function, then engage the autopilot, the game warps to the launch time, the engines activate and the throttle goes to 100%, but the vehicle doesn't leave the pad - no flames, no noise, nothing. It just sits there. MJ2 shows that it's 'launching to target plane' but nothing is happening. MJ2 works properly for the other launch options. Is this a bug? Or is there something about using this option that's different from the others? <later> Disregard ... the problem is that there's no probe control.
  12. I'd definitely used her and her for several EVA's before, so that would explain why the level was so low on this excursion. I never thought to check the amount of monoprop each time, since they were very short excursions, and I thought the pack was refilling each time she came back aboard. I do have KIS, but I'm not familiar with 'persistent loadout' ... can you tell me where I can check for that? And I've never had occasion to look into refilling a pack from an EVA tank, so if you don't mind telling me about that, I'd appreciate it.
  13. I came across an odd event last night and wanted to see if anyone else has seen it. I believe this was the first EVA since starting 1.11.2; I had a kerbanaut run out of monoprop only moments after starting EVA. I restored and tried again, and this time checked the monoprop level immediately after sending her out. The resource showed only 0.26 units, instead of the usual 5. Boarding and returning to EVA didn't change the amount of monoprop in the pack - I had to change out her EVA pack with another kerbanaut on board. I confirmed that there was plenty of monoprop available for the entire ship, including the Lander Can that she was exiting from, as well as electrical power. And as I recall, using the new pack, when I had her board (after jetting around a bit) and exit again, the monoprop resource showed it was full again (5.00 units). My impression was that EVA packs refill the moment the kerbanaut boards the vessel. Am I wrong? Or did this just change with 1.11.2 and I can't find it in the notes?
  14. That makes sense ... If the blue bar was empty and there were no points indicated, that's what I'd expect. But I've seen instances where there's several points available in the Transmit section, the blue bar goes not as far as the green Recovery bar, but then I see no change to the value of the 'banked' science points when I use the Transmit button.
  15. Not quite - I was trying to figure out why some experiments, when you Transmit, immediately update the number of science points available, and others do not. Maybe this was a bad example, but I had some experiments where the Process in Lab value was blank (as pictured), the Recovery value was X, and the Transmit value was Y (some percentage of X). I get that if I recover the experiment on Kerbin I'll get X points, but sometimes when I clicked the Transmit button I'd see my current 'bank' of science points go up by Y, and other times it would not.
  16. @bewingthank you very much; here's a typical review:
  17. I'm afraid I'm confused about the use of the Transmit feature when reviewing science experiments. I've read the wiki and several threads and I just don't quite get what happens to the science points. For instance, if I have an experiment worth 100 sci-points, and it's worth nothing to be processed in the lab, but I'll get 25% by transmitting, I expect that when I transmit I'd see my science balance go up by 25 points. But that doesn't seem to happen, so I'm clearly misunderstanding how to use it properly.
  18. I'll see about uploading the current save file and the one I created before I attempted any changes with KML. And I'll try to follow that thread you provided to see if I can make sense of it to resolve the problem. As for the warning from KML - there were four of them, and they all said something along the lines of the state of 'docker' (?) was incorrect ... I didn't think to grab a screen shot, and now they don't appear when I run KML (at least, they didn't yesterday after I tried using it to fix the problem). <later> So I must've done something wrong when I was using KML previously ... I tried again today; got three errors and was able to correct them using KML, saved the file, and now the docking pair is showing the 'undock' option. So as usual with me, there must've been a malfunction between the keyboard and the chair.
  19. Ah, that may very well be the difference ... for my missions, the Mk1-3 is part of the lander module. I will have to try doing something like what you've described in the sandbox. And I think it has a higher or equal priority to the transfer vehicle it docks with before and after. Not sure if this is relevant, but I've re-used the same ship for several trips, docking it with several stations in orbits around Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, and switching between vessels from a variety of distances. I'm not sophisticated enough (yet) to know to check for the NRE's you mentioned. Where do I find those? <later> I've been unable to reproduce the problem. I created a lander with a Mk1 Lander Can, connected with a Standard Docking Port (not Jr or Sr) to a Mk1-3 vehicle. Both ships were made with identical components (engines, tanks, RCS, guidance units, landing struts, batteries, and solar panels); the only difference was the Mk1-3 vs. the Lander can. I then cheated them into Mun orbit (~15k), undocked them, and moved them to 4 km apart. Saved the game, then took turns docking them with one or the other being the vehicle I was controlling primarily (though I did switch back and forth to make sure they stayed aligned). Then I landed the Lander, then returned it to the orbiting Mk1-3 and re-docked them. At no time did the problem appear. I'm not sure why I'm not able to reproduce it. The only thing I can think of, based on my own experience, is to ask if you're using the most latest version of MJ2? I ask because immediately after 1.11 was released I had the same problem as you've described, but with am Mk1 command pod. I eventually chalked it up to the version of MJ2, which had not yet been updated, and it only appeared after I used it. I stopped using MJ2 until a new version was released, and have been using it extensively for the more routine tasks, and not had the problem appear.
  20. I've got a ship docked to a station with Junior docking ports, and the option to undock is not available on either of them. I tried using KML: it found the error and and I was able to use the option to repair it; I saved the persistent file, and restarted the game but the problem is still there. When I tried KML again, it no longer sees a problem. I tried following other suggestions that I found online, but got lost in the weeds, so if someone can offer a step-by-step suggestion for how to resolve this I'd appreciate it.
  21. Unfortunately, no ... I'm using "For Science" not AutomatedScienceSampler... at the moment anyhow. I'll probably pull FS and try that instead. Just out of curiosity, is anyone else tempted to abbreviate it as "ASS"?
  22. You're referring to the Mk1-3 part as being problematic, right? I've built a ship with with one of those and used it to run several trips to the Mun and Minmus, with multiple landings and redockings there and in Kerbin orbit, and only once in the past several weeks have I encountered the problem. I ended up shutting the game down via Task Manager (I'm on Win10, KSP 1.11.1), and when I restarted all was well. Just offering this up as one more piece of the puzzle.
  23. You may want to consider coming up with a set of themes for your different types of vessels. For instance, my satellites are named for precious stones; science bases are named for scientists; stations are named for mountain ranges; orbiters (i.e., atmo-capable ships) are named for avians; transfer vehicles (non-atmo) are named for literary characters, and so on.
  24. Okay, it's official - I now hold the rank of Admiral Oblivious ... I just started using the the For Science mod and failed to consider that prior to posting my question, or even think to mention it. Doh! I don't see a way of configuring where the science gets transferred to, but that's on me to figure out (though if anyone has any knowledge/ideas/hints I'm all ears).
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