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Everything posted by maddog59

  1. Is there a way to fix that? I'm not familiar with reading/modifying the files, even though I know they're viewable as text files. I put SO much effort into making this thing work, and it was my first use of the KAL-1000, I'd REALLY like to get this construct off the ground and on-site without resorting to cheats. Besides, it looks so pretty when it unfolds and extends it's arms!
  2. So far the problem only seems to occur after I send the vehicle out to the pad/runway and then revert it. I have a file with the ship properly aligned available to both the SPH and VAB, and when I launch it to either the pad or the runway it appears to still be properly aligned when it first appears on the screen. I've zoomed and panned around to make sure it's aligned before I do anything; everything looks good, but once I launch or retrieve it, it all goes catawumpus.
  3. No, I don't have the World Stabilizer mod ... I have KER, KAC, Stage Recovery, Astrogator, Tweakscale (not used on this vehicle), and Hanger Extender. Not sure what you mean by excluding the launchpad (I assume you mean my landing pad construct?) from stabilization. Can you clarify? I tried launching with the 'pause vessel on unpack' cheat turned on, and there was no change. Not really sure what it's supposed to do, even after reading the wiki.
  4. I didn't use the mirror symmetry when I was building the pad ... unless using the Alt-key to duplicate a set of parts count. I built the pad and added the lander in the SPH, without the mirror on... would that count as using the radial symmetry? I get mixed up as to what's what and which is which... But knowing that it's a bug makes me feel bit better, that it's not a personal problem. Yep, been there, tried that ... I've moved the root from the landing pad to the lander to the separator to the fairing to the .... well, you get the idea. My thanks to all of you for taking the time to respond. I'm going to play with it a bit more and see if I can come up with something that works. If I do, I'll repost. And if anyone has any other suggestions I'm still interested!
  5. Sorry if this is too long, I hope someone can help me solve this riddle: I built a landing pad out of a series of structural panels, connected them with hinges and a KAL-1000 unit so that they'll unfold after getting to the site. Then I built a utility vehicle to land it on the Mun. I put a separator between the two, being careful to make sure it was on the central connection point of the landing pad construct, then put the utility vehicle on top of that. Then I attached a booster assembly, and set out to launch. It quickly when went out of control, so I reverted to the VAB. That's when I saw that the landing pad was WAY out of alignment. I've repeated this several times. Here's two pics of the assembly in the SPH, properly aligned: And here it is after I took it out to the pad with just a fairing (to confirm that it was all aligned), and then reverted: And just for grins and giggles I tried building and launching the whole mess from the runway, with the same result, but with an even better picture of the misalignment after reverting: Not only is the MUL off to one side, but one of the panels has slide out of position. If anyone can shed some light on what the problem is, I'd love to hear it. I've tried strutting the h*** out of every piece of I could reach with no change to the results.
  6. Denali Station at 200km - the ring spins while the science and docking spokes remain stationary, and there's a dozen drop ships for rescue and/or orbital activities.
  7. I know the answer is probably, "whatever I enjoy is the right way to play," but I wanted to see what other people are doing because I always wonder if I'm missing a trick or could be doing something more efficiently. I built a ship for an Eve/Gilly mission, got it into orbit, then realized that I've got more than a year before the transfer window opens. I've been killing time dinking around in Kerbin/Mun/Minmus space, building stations and bases and such. I'm tempted to just hit the warp button to bring the planets into alignment, but I feel oddly reticent to 'waste' all of the 'time' between now and the xfer window. So my question is, what's the general thinking /opinions/philosophy on this? If you want to go to another planet, just get on with it: build the ship, get it off the ground, warp forward and do the mission? Or, like I've been doing, just play around doing missions/contracts in local space until the xfer window opens up 'naturally'? Or am I just overthinking this?
  8. @MrWookie2U : there are lot's of great recommendations here ... how are you doing with getting to orbit?
  9. I do believe those are good, upstanding tax-paying residents of Uncanny Valley...
  10. Thanks for the encouragement; it seems to be working fine for me as well. Much obliged!
  11. I'm trying my hand at my first mega-ship, and need to increase the size of the VAB/SPH. The Hanger Extender mod appears to not be compatible w/ 1.11 (based on the comments I've seen); are there other mods out there that would do the same thing? Or are there keyboard combos that I should be aware of?
  12. Thanks much for taking the time to provide those suggestions. My application is a rotating ring station with a spoke that I want to remain static while the ring rotates. I found that, after I set the spoke rotating, I could use RCS to spin up the ring in the opposite direction to just the right speed so I could get to the effect I wanted.
  13. I was able to bind my rotor so that it's speed is controllable by the throttle keys, but when using Shft/Ctrl it seems to jump from one RPM speed to another: for instance, tapping the Shft key to increase speed I see it going up from 0 to 4.3 to 9.7 (I'm rounding), then down to 3.2 to 0 (tapping Ctrl). The actual numbers are different each time, so I think it may have something to do with how hard I tap the key, maybe? Is there a way to more finely control the speed? For instance, with engines you can reduce the thrust from 100% to a lower % so that the thrust is more finely controlled for maneuvers. Is there something similar with the rotor PAW that I've missed? Add'l: If I unbind the rotor from the throttle and just use the PAW to input values for RPM, the RPM settings appear to only be available in units of 5: if I try for 2, it returns to 0; if I input 3 it jumps to 5, and so on. I don't seem to see any difference in behavior when I use the torque limit % field, whether it's bound to the throttle or not ... values change, but whether or not the rotor is moving seems to be only dependent on the RPM value.
  14. I agree whole-heartedly. Probes are all well and good for getting there and back again; but the real excitement comes when you realize you need to do an EVA to change something that you forgot, or decided to add after you sent a ship into orbit or beyond. I decided to turn an Eve mission into an effort to deploy CommNet satellites around our purple neighbor. Sure, I could've sent a second ship, but what was the fun in that when I could send the satellites up and use Bob to attach them in various places on the mothership before sending it off into the wild black yonder.
  15. I suspect you're right in that I ran afoul of something I messed up while building them; the problem occurred right after I'd 'launched' it to the runway as part of my effort to check the functions, and there was always plenty of EC for the wheels and hinges. I was using the Lock setting, w/ an AG to lock/unlock during the mission; I seem to recall observing some weirdness when I used it. I try to only change one thing at a time when I'm trouble-shooting. My final solution was that each individual hinge needed to have it's auto-strut setting checked - some worked when set to the root; one needed to be set to heaviest part, and a couple needed to be set to the grandfather part. This was my first attempt at using the robotic parts on a rover, so there were a lot of misfires as I built and moved and changed things around. And since my original post I've built a couple more rovers with similar functionality and the hinges behaved as expected. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
  16. Can you clarify which menu you're referring to? I've tried planting a flag both with and without the Bob's menu open and it falls over regardless.
  17. The size of the solid boosters depends on the load ... since you can't turn them off or throttle them once you light them, they need to burn up and be discarded so you can coast up to Apoapsis. They're mainly good for getting a heavy load off the ground and moving, but shouldn't be the primary means of getting to orbit (yes, there are plenty of examples of people using them to demo their god-like abilities to manipulate the program, but I'm speaking as a generalist). You'll want to focus on being able to use liquid stages to get to orbit so you can turn them off and on to adjust your orbit. Tap the 'M' key to toggle between Map view (where you can set maneuver nodes) and the flight view of the ship itself. As for the NavBall ... you'll need to learn how to use it to make any progress in the game, so I recommend you review the tutorials and see how it's works. It's actually pretty straight-forward, and with SAS turned on ('T' key) even a green pilot can get a ship into and out of orbit and even dock. I'm pretty much an idiot myself when it comes to flying, so if I can figure it out, I'm sure you can as well! I went thru several of the tutorials multiple times. Keep at it and you'll get there.
  18. Have you reviewed any of the YouTube tutorials for beginners? Or stepped thru the Tutorials provided in the game? Can you please clarify what you mean about crashing "a few days after launch?" Unless your Apoapsis is millions of km's out (between Mun and Minmus?), a typical low , circular orbit is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of an hour in duration. The typical method is: launch to 90 degrees and try to get to an angle of ascent of about 45 degrees by the time you get to ~20km Continue to accelerate until the apoapsis is around 80km, then cut the engines and continue to coast While coasting, go to map view and set a maneuver node at the Apoapsis and extend the prograde widget until the Periapsis is going to be above 70km Align with the maneuver point on the navball and begin your burn when your 'burn time' is 50% out from the node (for example, if the burn time is 30 seconds, begin the burn itself at T-15 seconds to node)
  19. I'm not sure if this is expected behavior or not, and I couldn't seem to find a reference to it anywhere, so I wanted to put it to the community and developers for input: I built a rover in the SPH; used mirror symmetry to attach two G-11 hinges to the body, so I could stow XL3 wheels forward for launch/landing, and set them to swing out 90 degrees for use (Min: 0.0; Max: 90.0; Target Angle: 90.0, the 'stowed' position). In the SPH , changing the target angle from 90 to 0 to 90 seemed to work fine to swing them forward and back, so I added the Toggle Hinge function to an Action Group. But when I tested it on the runway, only the hinge on the left side worked properly ... I could see the one on the right jiggle for a moment, but it stayed in the stowed position. The only way I could get it to work properly was to attach the hinges separately using radial symmetry and setting the hinge on the right side to Min: -90; Max: 0; Target: -90. That makes a certain amount of sense, I suppose, but wasn't intuitive (at least to me) given the other behaviors of parts in mirror mode, and I lost a few clumps of hair figuring it out (no, I'm not the hottest engine on the shelf), so any constructive thoughts are welcome.
  20. Pick-Up-Sticks, KSP-style; there really is a station in there, honest!
  21. Thanks; I'll take you up on that, but it may be a day or two. The weekend is over and I have to get back to the grindstone! :-)
  22. I assume that when you say 'gizmo' an item, you're talking about the Offset tool. I've tried just about everything I can think of to try implement your suggestions and nothing works; I'm clearly missing something, either knowledge or technique or both. The best I seem to be able to get is a docking port jr at one end of the MK3 cargo bay; then attaching the corresponding docking port of the rover to that. It appears in 'mid-air' at the end of the cargo bay, so I tried using the offset tool to move it downward, but even with Toggle Snap set to 'smooth' (or whatever it's called), I can only move the docking port down about halfway, then it jumps to where the vehicle is clipping thru the bottom of the cargo bay. So I can launch the whole mess and disconnect and drive the rover out, but I'll never be able to reconnect the rover. It's quite disheartening, and I'm just about ready to give up, so if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it.
  23. This is my first serious foray into using KerbNet, and I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just not setting up or doing something correctly (probably the later). I have a probe in orbit around the Mun; it has M700 and M4435 scanners functioning, with both Rovemate and MK2 Drone probe cores; but KerbNet display appears to only show Ore mode. When I click the 'Cycle Display Mode' button in the upper left corner, nothing seems to happen - I see no noticeable change in the display, as illustrated in the Kerbnet Wiki. - just Ore mode. Likewise in the Tracking Station, regardless of the Cutoff % setting, the Color and Style buttons change when I click them, but I see no apparent change in the Mun display. I see the few random waypoints I set, in different colors, but they don't change either (not sure if they're supposed to or not). And based on my reading I thought I'd see a couple of anomalies on the Mun, but so far nothing, just a few Unknowns out beyond Minmus.
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