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Everything posted by Probro

  1. Neartea would be an amazing asset to your team i really hope near future parts are in ksp2
  2. i think rss ro should remain free and always be free
  3. immediately install rss ro and see how it runs
  4. i can run rssve 32k with 16k earth i have 16 gigs
  5. im running near future parts and rssve 32k textures so...yeah do you also run rssve on 32k textures? wth 16k earth?
  6. yeah its already gonna be in ksp2 so your wish has come true i guess
  7. i got a great pc, my cpu can handle it, my gpu can handle it but its my ram that cant handle it, i only have 16gb ram and im planning on upgrading to 32 soon
  8. tried to get kerbalism in ckan but it didnt work so im just gonna have to download it manually
  9. yeah i have rss, i also have scatterer and kopernicus, i also have scatterer and eve configured to my rss savefile, all i have to do is replace rssve with evo right?
  10. im gonna need a tutorial to download this mod because im not really good with handling mods like these
  11. will i need kopernicus to run this mod, also will i also need to use scatterer and eve as a vital extention to run this mod?
  12. yeah i know but i want o know the advantages of having this mod because it was already extremely frustrating to get rssve to work with my 1.8.1 save, what qualities does this mod have that can make me switch over to this mod
  13. or i could just use a fairing but that doesnt look very good on my ship
  14. seriously, ksp has added loads of features to make my space stations look cool but there is one thing missing, we could have spherical fuel tanks added into the next major update to make daedelus or Ares IV replicas, im surprised take two hasn't considered this yet but ill probably be the first to voice my opinion on this, what do you think you would do if take two would add spherical fuel tanks into the stock game
  15. you've got to realise that nintendo switch isnt as powerful as the px5 or the xbox whatever its called these days, the switch can run doom but only if the settings are cranked at its lowest settings and at 720p 60fps or 1080p 30 considering when your skils get better your gonna need a more powerful system to run your rockets, i dont think its a good idea
  16. ok it will but cmon man i cant wait 3 years for something to come out but what choise do i have? im just angry ok?
  17. lets just get to the point, im not going to be more verbose the more i argue but im going to say this one FINAL time i bought ksp...twice and if i did then the money goes to take two, i never said that they are obliged to give me ksp2 but i have every right to be mad at take two for delaying ksp2 i gave them money end of.
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