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Everything posted by NoahGoldFox

  1. I know these questions arent liked much, but does anybody know what mods fill in the "gigantic rocketry" and "colossal rocketry" nods? I have pretty much every other node filled except those 2. (and specialized command modules)
  2. It seems the latest update has broken this mods fairings.
  3. nvm this, was thinking of the wrong mod
  4. Exactly this. That is the problem iv been having.
  5. I encounted some odd glitch with the landvmesser probe. When i put the 3 engines into their spots like in the first picture, when i go to launch on the launchpad the engines move into the center like in the second photo. It could be something else and not this mid since iv noticed other stuff being in the wrong place on other parts when i launch sometimes too, but im not sure which other mods i have could cause something like that. .
  6. I mean the plane flies around like a glitch, not like how normal planes fly. Maybe its not FAR and is something else, since the aerodynamic overlay doesnt show anything odd.
  7. Is this not compatible with FAR? When i have this installed, often when i crash planes with this and FAR installed some pieces seem to i think clip into other pieces and continously push on them, making the plane just keep like twisting or twirling around with no way to stop it.
  8. Ah i figured it out, i was using the wrong cfg from the folder. Its working now.
  9. Yeah i have all the dependencies, and i have DE_IVAextension, warbird cockpics, and restock. I checked the files of those for mk 3 internals and deleted them if there were ones.
  10. I unzipped it and put UltimateShuttleIVA in gamedata, and took the modern shuttle iva CFG from it and put it itself in gamedata
  11. I installed this but some other IVA in my many mods is showing up instead but i cant figure out which, can one of you recognize this IVA so i can get rid of it so the correct one shows?
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