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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. Her KSP-store account or her windows account? If its the latter then you can just redownload it. Dont think there is a limit to how many copys of the game you can have. I have tons of em on all of my computers.
  2. On my way to the Mun with my new Apollo-style lander. So pretty.... *tears* Main module separation. Landed! Somebody looks happy to have survived. =)
  3. Stay away from metacritic. A bunch of haters that complain about the smallest things and give games the lowest score because of it. It's like the only score they are able to give is one or 10. I think metacritic would just hurt ksp.
  4. I don't see the point of this thread. What is its purpose? What can squad gain from knowing that some people haven't encountered any bugs? Nothing. Just because someone hasn't meet certain conditions for a specific bug doesn't mean it's not there. It would be better to gather all the people that have issues instead of cluttering the forum with those that don't.
  5. It depends on what kind of security he uses. If its some kind of RSA-encryption then he most likely is using an open key which anyone can use. You can only encrypt with that key but not decrypt.
  6. I've also tried this. What software do you use? I tried teamviewer and Splashtop but the lagg over 3g and even is Wifi is just unbearable for me.
  7. No not really. Its all about transistors. The quad core cpu used in most modern cell phones is no match for single core i5. The IPC in cell phone cpu is many times lower than its counter part on desktop market. To put things into perspective. The Samsung Galaxy S3s cpu has a rough transistor count of 26,000,000. The i7 from last year has a rough transistor count of 1,400,000,000. The i7 from 2008 has 731,000,000. Dont believe all the media hype. Mobile gaming will never take over from consoles and PCs. Even though mobiles cpu increase in power each year so does the desktop versions. It would be physically impossible to put a big enough chip in a cellphone to be able to play modern type games with all their fidelity.
  8. No its not and yes it can. One infinity can be larger than another infinity. Here is something to help you grasp it. http://gizmodo.com/5910014/how-one-infinity-can-be-bigger-than-another Its really unnatural for us humans to grasp these kind of concepts.
  9. I would say its definitely the system. A mobile version of a cpu with a very low frequency, a mobile version of a low end gpu. Good thing is that you have a SSD. It would be much worse with a regular hard drive. KSP does a lot of physics based calculations. A high IPC and clock frequency is a must for "smooth" game play with many parts.
  10. God, people like you always annoy the living hell out of me. Obviously you know nothing about cpus nor programming. Those "other" games that you can run on "high" settings dont calculate a bunch of physics every second nor do they have to calculate collision detection between hundreds of parts. What .20 will give you is better part handling, faster loads and stuff like that. The physics calculations wont just magically stop being calculated. For that sort of thing you will need a better cpu since the physics are calculated on a single core and therefore a high IPC is preferable.
  11. No I dont but then again bactaria doesnt know how to put rockets into space or are self aware. Even though a type3civ would be far superior to us they would probably recognize our intelligence and our self awarens. We are after all a sentient species which a type3civ would be aswell notmatter their leve of intellect. Also nomatter how much time you give bacteria they will never rise to our leve of intelligence because they are not built in such a way that inteligence is possible.
  12. All this above is assuming that a type3civ do not care about life of any kind and just swoop in to grab anything they like. I find this rather hard to believe. If a species advances to that point I would like to think that a higher moral standard would follow with the evolution of the brain. What is the purpose of traveling around the universe if you fail to recognize that other species might rise to the same point given time. Also if you can move suns you probably have some kind of all seeing sensor that recognizes all types of possible life. Maybe even A.I that adapts to all possible combinations of life.
  13. I've always found that scale ridicules. Why would a type 3 civilization not recognise another intelligent species? Why might not be as intelligent as them but they must have been in our place, they probably would have high moral standards and would treat life as something delicate.
  14. Ask yourself, would those rockets fly in real life? No way. There is a reason for the way rockets look. You cannot install an aerodynamics mod and then say stuff like they flew without it and expect your rockets to fly with the mod. Insane.
  15. How can you have two cpus? Your system is dual core which means two cores. Unless you have a multi cpu motherboard which I doubt you have since they are mainly used in servers. Your issue is mainly the weak cpu. Ksp is cpu intensive because most physics based calculations are done on one core. Therefor cpus that have high amount of instructions per cycle are the best for this type of game. Those would be the high end intel cpus like the i5 and i7 versions. Your second issue is your graphics card which is really low end. Your best bet for better frames is an upgrade in the cpu and gpu departement.
  16. That is ridiculously fast.
  17. 318m/s! :-D The way it works is: I blast down the runway, at the end I eject the cockpit section. I tried finding a straight and long patch of land but could not find anything better than the runway.
  18. So I think that I've figured it out. It seems that the Mk1 cockpit overheats once I reach 305+m/s. The thing is that I am measuring the temperatures and they are not even close to the 3400 that are listed in descriptions of the cockpit =( I use the Graphotron to measure temperatures. I hit around 600 degrees when things start exploding.
  19. I dont think so. I keep the jet really stable to avoid speed loss and then all of sudden things start flying of. Its like the parts cant handle the drag.
  20. I've been trying to break the sound barrier below 300m. I am using the FAR mod for superior aerodynamics and my thinking is that its causing the problem. The thing is that parts start falling of the aircraft when approaching 300m/s. Mainly the tail part and following that I loose control of the jet. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it some kind of game limit? Thank you. This is the aircraft in question.
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