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  1. Super cool *_* Im trying to use your changed version but Im not that into coding, and i dont know how to use github I tried to stalk you at github but i seem to get the non compiled source :S no release ? Thank you Yep its a no show on 1.1 for me too
  2. This sounds very interesting, could you elaborate ? Im trying to use Autoland in Mechjeb with my SpaceX boosters and it cant hit the target. Sounds like you solved this kind of problem ? Sorry if im mistaken and thanks for help
  3. It was Real Plume issue apparantly. THanks for the help. Another problem i have is LOW FPS with this mod and the included crafts when im starting. I tried stock crafts with way more parts and had 60 fps, i tried a different SpaceX Part mod and had still 60 fps. Whats the reason for the big fps slowdown?
  4. I cant get these Rockets to work with my Hoverslam/SuicideBurn KOS Script and i think i found the problem. Are the engines Instant responding or "spooling" up and down ? I think because the engines need a little time to reach max Thrust, my Hoverslam script is slightly off and its crashing into the engines. Im currently looking at the KW Rocketry "Instant response Configs" to find out how i can do this with this mod. Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance, ~Jonas ps, i tried half the night and its for sure the engines from this mod. They are all a second late on their burn, stock engines work perfect What to do ?
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