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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. On 7/9/2020 at 3:20 PM, KerbalChamp2006 said:

    We know kerbals have eyelids because in one of the loading screens (the one where jeb, bill, and val are posing in front of a cardboard cutout of the mün) one of the kerbals has his eyes closed. (The one facepalming on the left) so my question is why don't we see them blink anywhere else in the game? (P.s. i know this is a silly question but im just wondering)

    The official KSP Wiki says Kerbals do not have eyelids but in the KSP2 cinematic trailer I spotted a quite few blinking many times but none in game are seen blinking so i dunno really but here is the trailer for those of you who are curious:


  2. 33 minutes ago, SuperMiiBrother said:

    I just realised...If we manage to redirect one, we might get thread of the month!


    Its gonna be hard to put one into orbit by the end of the month how about we just put it into and orbit where it can always be viewed from Kerbin and then think about putting it in orbit!

    We could attach a massive orbitaly constructed engine and send missions to refuel it until it's constantly viewable from Kerbin then we can plan the final orbital insertion burn!

    I might be able to provide you with concepts:D

  3. I would segust minmus easier to land on with a low amount deltaV required to land.

    Also it's good to practice getting to objects with inclined orbits minmus has and inclined orbit and its close by so it's worth a trip a least sometime early in the game.

    Plus in my opinion it's the best out of the two moons for just being a silly interesting place to visit:)




    Minmus - Kerbal Space Program Wiki

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