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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. On 8/9/2020 at 4:19 PM, mcwaffles2003 said:

    I wonder how fast they orbit around one another

    A couple days?

    this probably won't be in the game but let's be theoretical here would volcanic activity rise when they are closing in on each other and then calm down a bit at their respective apoapsis?

    On 8/10/2020 at 3:44 PM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

    Out of curiosity has anyone found out how the orbital mechanics of these twins will work and if you have send it over to me quickly...

    Found this on the forums:

    How are Rask and Rusk going to work? - KSP 2 Discussion - Kerbal ...

    Thread here:https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.kerbalspaceprogram.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F187374-how-are-rask-and-rusk-going-to-work%2F&psig=AOvVaw3-Cv-gbzrprrVYffM1bWyp&ust=1597325497834000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCKjkhqnjlesCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

  2. 26 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

    Off the cuff, you've likely mucked something up with your install - it shouldn't be more complex than installing from CKAN or copying the contents of the zip into GameData. Blow everything away and try again.

    Should i use the CTTP that comes with OPM or the one in the link and if i SHOULD use the one in the link what do i do with the CTTP that comes with the OPM?

    Edit: Nope STILL does not work and i am not using CKAN that mod makes no sense to me!

    Edit NO2: That's it i give up i'm going back to 1.10.1 for now.

  3. 1 minute ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

    I'm guessing left is Rask and right is Rusk as sometimes that people will name planets respectively but we don't know :D. That might be something the Devs wait to reveal at release.

    We can't know EVERY little detail before release and it should be that way!

    Your right the left is probably Rask and right is Rusk.

  4. On 8/2/2020 at 4:12 AM, Ryan@123 said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I looked up to the developers show case yesterday but one thing ravages me THE HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW KSP 2.As the graphics are awesome so it may be a problem for many AMD and Intel low end processors and graphics card like GT 730 or GT 710.Will KSP 2 run on low end system like mine(for reference)

    I3 9100F

    GT 1030

    16GB ddr4 ram.


    Our PC's will explode DOWNLOADING this game.


  5. 17 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:


    No, its not tidally locked, yes its a crater.

    It has polar ice caps, this wouldn't happen if it was tidally locked to its star.

    If they make it tidally locked, I will not buy ksp2... Straw that broke the camels back and all

    Thank you about that!

  6. in this thread i will post images of all the new planets in ksp2 and then ramble about how amazing they look!

    first of there is Rask & Rusk a double planet system!

    Rask and Rusk | Kerbal Space Program 2 Wiki | Fandom

    The two are distorting and ripping each other's surfaces apart i love how the planets have fractured one another.


    Next up we have Ovin a ringed super Kerbin we've seen a LOT of this new planet compared to the other new worlds!

    Ovin | Kerbal Space Program 2 Wiki | Fandom

    This should be a very hard place to land Eve has got NOTHING on Ovin!

    Ovin, a ringed super-Earth with relentless gravity." : KSPMemes

    Planet number NO 3 is Glumo!KSP 2 Ring Planets breakdown – Space Snakes

    Good GOD this is a pretty planet.

    Then there is its moon Murble.

    While it was featured in the cinematic trailer for the game the only IN GAME footage of Murble is in the image above where it is a tiny blue sphere:


    However from the trailer we can tell Murble is an ice moon like Saturn's moon Enceladus.

    Murble has an atmosphere and an ocean (Presumably water?)

    And the veiw must be great to!



    And my personal favorite DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!...PUF!!!:


    PUF is a very peculiar object, it resembles an eyeball.

    The planet seems to have an atmosphere and ice caps at the poles the surface looks barren and rugged and then there's its ocean which makes it look like an eyeball.

    Could be tidaly locked to its star mabie a crater?

    the superheated world Char (We think not sure if that's confirmed):


    Unnamed objects:


    Until it's given a name i'm calling it Qob


    Until it's given a proper name im calling it Ol

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