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Everything posted by steve9728

  1. I realise I seem to have shared a lot of news from CNSA to the CNSA Thread* (and a book)
  2. I think cats have domesticated people, but I have no proof. Ah it's still easier for me to get dogs to like me
  3. It probably will be like: orhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1P8411t7js/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.1&vd_source=6fef304b8d0c4737896e6b702ddfbfb3 orhttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zM41167Bx/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
  4. If the definition of not bending is "I don't bend myself", then there is another way: hiring someone.
  5. Changguang (长光) Satellite's official weibo post several images from Turkey about the earthquake stricken areas Hope that the local refugees will soon emerge from the disaster. And also, the international rescue teams that have arrived or are on their way can be safe.
  6. Xinhua: The Shenzhou-15 crew will be on their first EVA mission in the next few days
  7. Global Times: Tianyi sent back SAR satellite images of the area around the earthquake in Turkey at 1105 local time on 6 Feb. "Because the weather in this area on the day of the incident was bad and the clouds were thick, making it difficult for optical satellites to image the area. SAR, which has the ability to work all day and night, was important means to obtain panoramic images of the earthquake-stricken area. In future, Tianyi, will continue to monitor the situation in the quake zone and provide satellite imagery to support the rescue work in the quake area." "After acquiring satellite imagery of the epicentre area in Turkey, Tianyi‘s researchers analysed the post-earthquake imagery in conjunction with previously published local optical satellite imagery before the quake, using the imaging characteristics of SAR imagery of buildings to determine the apparent damage to a residential area (Sakçagözü) around three thousand metres from the quake source. Geological hazards are suspected in the hills near the source of the earthquake."
  8. CAS (China Academy of Sciences): The totals number of pulsars discovered by FAST has exceeded 740
  9. Couldn't the Chinese have a need for more accurate weather forecasting? Then, since there is a need for more accurate weather forecasting, isn't high-altitude atmospheric sounding necessary? Things on this planet don't just either serve a political or a military purpose. I was typed a few lines but went to have a shower to calm down and I didn't feel it was worth breaking some of the rules of this forum to some people." He's already being stupid like that, let him be"
  10. A: Integrate the already produced satellites with the CZ-11 rockets to send a 350-750kg satellite into orbit within 24 hours B: Use the already existing satellite constellation system and let them revisit any place you want 23-25 times in a day and give you the information you need with images of 0.5m to 0.75m resolution; C: Trust the westerly belt to send it where you want it to go. The options are here, and I'm sure people are more rational than I am.
  11. Ancient castle used by Romans and Byzantines destroyed in Turkey earthquake 2200-year-old castle
  12. Are you looking for Space Marine? https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Space_Marines#Implantation_of_Astartes_Organs (just kidding hahaha)
  13. Don't worry, the Indians have been watching for six months: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23455128
  14. Guys from Heilongjiang have seen its beautiful plume! https://weibo.com/3885052060/MrCK6fWEN#comment
  15. Friend: I finally went and watch the film today too. The kid sitting to my left was making a lot of noise and kept "explaining the film (aka spoilers)" so I accidentally spill the coke on his shirt. Me: May I learn how you spill it? Friend: well, just you have to pretend it was a accident I spilled it all at once And then you say sorry very sincerely The kid won't think you did it on purpose The main thing is, couples minutes later, the kid keeps explaining the film to me It made me feel a bit guilty Me: Didn't you spill the coke for nothing?
  16. Went to meet my girlfriend's parents. My girlfriend was worried that I would be able to talk to her dad, but it turned out that because I found out that his dad was good at making vivarium - and I was trying to learn how to do it - we talked happily for the whole afternoon. Next step I think is need to figure out how to make her cat to like me.
  17. My bad. English is good for everything except those annoying abbreviation
  18. Alright, half year for this bad boy in the orbit today since August last year. Happy Lantern Festival! 上元安康!
  19. Not sure what you want to say. But if you are meaning Tengyun the little space shuttle, is few hours later. And, try to be getting used of it mate.
  20. Well this time really was our fault hahaha. Our Foreign Ministry claim it yesterday. I guess by now the diplomatic level on both sides and the military on both sides have let the cat out of the bag about this balloon: "man, this thing really is a faulty weather balloon, here are the relevant properties and data for this model." I think this also objectively explains why their Defence Ministry spokesman seems so calm now. I do think that at the time, first time, no one at the bottom logically believed that this thing was from China (including me). Everyone was convinced that the USAF would be able to fix this. As long as the USAF can sort this out, it doesn't matter to those media whether it comes from China or not and what its true purpose is. But you know...that thing was really toooooooo high I was thinking that it shouldn't be too difficult to add a self-destruct mechanism and a post-failure emergency return system consisting of releasing the parachute by detecting changes in air pressure. After all, something that can float so far and so high in the sky for so long must be more expensive than an ordinary car.
  21. Unlike this "little accident" weather balloon this time, the US has launched real reconnaissance balloons into Chinese airspace many times in the past 7 decades. Without discussing the many unpleasantries of the last century and the beginning of this one, the most recent "balloon show" took place in 2019. However, it was reported that the PLAAF sent a J-10C to launch a PL-10, which shot down the "foreign balloon" within 30 seconds.
  22. The balloon over Montana, is from China, said by Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Over lunch I saw that the balloon thing was the top one trending on Twitter. After the Foreign Ministry 'claimed' it, it's now the top one trending on weibo... But to be honest, it was also the first time today that I knew that something hanging from a balloon could be designed to look like a satellite. Everyday learn something new
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