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  • About me
    I am a Terran, and as such, cannot live in space.
  • Location
    Somewhere on the third planet from the star Sol. The planet is named Terra, and it has one satellite, Luna.
  • Interests
    Latin, Physics, History, Rocket Science.

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  1. You should be able to see that type of information in the Tracking Station. There is also an in-game wiki that just has some very basic info on the planets.
  2. For the most part, if the first number is the same, and mods should work on both. You should be okay to use the 1.12.3 mods on 1.12.5, and vice versa.
  3. Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie about earth being covered in dust storms and having to look for a new planet... "Those aren't mountains!"
  4. Unlike most popular depictions of them. (Cough cough, DS9.) Same problem with Blackholes.
  5. Sorry, yes, the title was supposed to say First Law. I was tired when I wrote that, and switched them up.
  6. Or the energy could come from the wormhole itself, maybe decreasing its size?
  7. Do wormholes break the First Law of Thermodynamics? Here's the problem: Say Jeb wants to get up to the top of the VAB so he can parasail down. To do so, he takes his quad-taxi and flies up to the top. In doing so, he has increased his potential energy. Now, Bob, trying to stop Jeb, uses a wormhole with one end on the ground and the other on top of the VAB. In doing so, he has also increased his potential energy, but because he entered the wormhole and immediately popped out on top of the VAB, I'm not sure where the energy came from. Does this break physics, or this just normal?
  8. Here's one of Mars! Kinda blurry, but its from an AI after all!
  9. They look like thrusters too.
  10. Looks pretty good actually, it just combined the probe and the asteroid.
  11. AI is getting pretty good at art. Why not show off your creations? (Only Space or KPS related stuff please!) Here's a start: Created with DALL-E 2
  12. It's probably so they can have KSP and KSP2 in the same place. The Minecraft launcher has done something very similar lately.
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