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Everything posted by Jeb_Needs_A_Parachute

  1. Granted. Time is always free. There is not cost for time. I wish for cranes.
  2. Nope, still in the afternoon for me. TUBM is on this thread:
  3. Yes. But if you hit it enough times with the hammer, it won't hurt, but your wrist will instead. What is hurt?
  4. You understand why russets aren't available in stores. Sadly, this make you sad and so you never enter a store again. I wish to understand what a russet potato is.
  5. Nope, It's past midday for me. TUBM has at least 500 rep.
  6. Good story. I hope you have good luck on the next couple of chapters. Also - Interested to see more of Kerbal society. Not everything is about rocketry in the world, I hope.
  7. Sorry, forgot to go to next page so it's out of order. Yes, you can have your russet potato. It's right in front of you. Shame that to eat it you have to open your mouth, which is currently glued close. I wish that the Forums last a long time (I'm scared KSP2 will mean the deletion of these forums)
  8. It got to the main menu... but it took 84 years and you are now dead.
  9. Because they can't contain the road departments who put them up. Why do we need roads?
  10. Ok.... but you can't prove they turned into a fish. I wish for people to not bring up food in this thread.
  11. I don't mind smoothies. TUBM has made a kraken drive.
  12. Ok. You have one fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated, non-transmogrifying, normal-sized Russet potato, except that it ahs mold on it so you have to throw it out. I wish that people stop bringing up Russet potatoes.
  13. Yes. They then get rid of it using Wereshampoo. When will this forum die?
  14. No. Ignorance is pain once you realize. How to kerbals survive without an economy?
  15. True. (If you don't you should.) TUBM is a believer in MOAR BOOSTERS
  16. Nope. TUBM has far to much time on their hands
  17. You could just be a devious deepfake AI. 5/10 I am human because how else do my kerbals need a parachute once they hope in my planes?
  18. I'm sorry, but my Kerbal falls out of the sky to parachute on top of you and knocks your Kerbal out.
  19. Granted, but it will melt into lava in 2 seconds, ending it's existence. An it's to deep to rescue. I wish KSP had ejection seats.
  20. Nope. I'm to bad to even put a station in orbit of Kerbin (I spend all my time building planes). TUBM also likes planes and never uses rockets seriously
  21. Sorry, I can't really help you there. Last things I think could be the problem: Wrong version, make sure your using BD Armory link from start of this thread, and make sure that you are up-to-date.
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