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  1. I have capcomespace pinned to my start menu! Great pictures. Yes, i know the Ariane 4 fairing exists in BDB already, but they all have slight differences that i think warrant different parts. Though i might reuse the Ariane 4 fairing ill make for the Tantares Soyuz.
  2. I can speak for myself and say it depends on what I feel like taking on. I want to do Ariane 1 through 5, maybe a few probes, some bigger spacecraft, etc. Nothing is too concrete, everything will happen one step at a time. Though there are a lot of little bits from Knes that i'd love to tackle too.
  3. The interstage should have enough heat tolerance to handle the upper stage firing for a few seconds. I'll check it again soon.
  4. Sadly a proper cross (Swing out a bit and then fully separate) isnt easily achievable while still having the boosters easy to attach. It has a sep motor that runs on spare oxidizer that the booster tank has, so it'll separate similarly to the making history boosters.
  5. Newest version on soyuz-dev on the github should be ready for release. I'll give it a day on the branch to see if any issues pop up. The main part that was missing was added, the radial decouplers for the boosters. They should be easy to attach radially and there is a toggle on the booster fuel tanks to enable a node for proper alignment. An example craft file has also been added https://github.com/Tantares/TantaresLV/tree/soyuz-dev
  6. Insane! Hopefully the plumes should be easier to scale with the last commit.
  7. Booster tanks, RD-107 & 108 up on github, with a basic texture switch. We are very very close to having all of Soyuz ready, next up is the booster separators, fins, (and maybe a fairing, or two, or three ) They are now on a separate branch (To keep both me and Beale sane), so you have to pick the soyuz-dev branch on github if you want these parts. as usual any feedback is appreciated and screenshots too
  8. Imma be real I've been slacking But starting from now i'll have plenty more free time to work on soyuz, so expect some new things soon. I have the RD-108 almost ready in-game and the RD-107 coming sooon.
  9. Well, if you run relatively slowly then it might have a chance. (Although, it just need to finish the boosters and get them ingame, and it'll be ready (other than the fairings))
  10. Every second you're not running, Soyuz only gets closer (To release!)
  11. Soon TM: More fairings are definitely warranted. I'll make the soyuz ones (Plan on doing atleast all the major flown fairings) and if beale isn't up to make Proton ones, i could do them aswell. I think having stock fairings is a nice option for more "unique" uses, but yeah SAF is just much better. Depending on how asymmetrical they are they could definitely be done with SAF. Maybe with an inaccurate split but better than nothing.
  12. RD-0110 on the github Missing verniers plumes but shouldnt have any issues otherwise Waterfall plumes to come soon(-ish)
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