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  1. my visual scan is broken, anyone knows why? thanks. looks like this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/q2xVqE3fM3FxFMTZ9 it was good at yesterday , i didnt change only mod.
  2. i cant use this in command chairs now , what's going wrong? thank you!
  3. Are you have interesting to made the base could be print by mod sandcastle?
  4. sir,could you tell me how to edit the habbit time in usi-ls for pathfinder base please? the default time is too short to me for rss.
  5. DEAR NILS277 this is a great mod , i almost can't play ksp with out this , however, i hope my craft can hover at a higher attitude. I had already change the maxHoverHeight in {MODULE name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngine}, but i can still set the hover height max to 2 in game. how can i solute this problem? I can use the rcs control to hover higher even into 700meters now ,but the vertical speed seem be lock to 2 m/s , Can i edit cfg to increse the vertical speed ? thank you very much. english is not my first language ,i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes.
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