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Everything posted by camacju

  1. @ralanboyle I have another submission for a Mun ticket. Craft costs 65730 in SPH, crew capsule is recovered for 10233 and jet booster is recovered for 48878. Net cost is 6619 and dividing this by the 16 passenger slots in the crew capsule (the pilot sits in a Mk1 capsule in the service bay), total cost comes out to 414 funds per ticket. Count this for Minmus as well please Note that the lander's engine is detached for a very good reason! I only included two parachutes on the relatively heavy lander and if the engine and a fuel tank are not detached, it will land too hard and break. This isn't an attempt to cheese the challenge; otherwise, I would only detach the engine and not a fuel tank also. 65730 in VAB Ascent on rapiers - I do not switch them to closed cycle because the lander's engine is more efficient anyway. At 1550 m/s I turn on the rocket and wait for the jets to flame out In orbit After correction burn - rocket fuel in the plane part is almost all used up This is 30-40 m/s more efficient than doing a standard free return trajectory. Probably not necessary but a mission with only one gravity assist is a bit boring. Detaching the full lander from the plane. The plane will now glide to KSC without using any more oxidizer. Mun descent Landed at Mun Back in orbit After a few aerobraking passes I aim for KSC I I need to learn how to aim farther south. I use a combination of engine thrust and body lift to slow down. For some reason this craft flies way better with the service bay closed, and can even scrub velocity faster. Parachutes deployed and engine detached. The descent rate with the engine and fuel tank not detached is high enough to explode the engine and fuel tanks. However the crew cabin has a higher impact tolerance and everything survives. 10223 funds back Plane aims for KSC Taxiing to runway to get better recovery value On runway 48878 funds back
  2. https://imgur.com/a/5K9b6YC @ralanboyle Another combo pack mission - Minmus, Bop, and Pol. Cost of a ticket is (46882-33138-6062/2)/3=3571 funds. 55 oxidizer used for Pol landing, 59 used for Bop landing, and 64 for Minmus landing. That means 1104 funds for Pol landing, 1184 funds for Bop landing, and 1283 funds for Minmus landing.
  3. You may want to add a rule to prevent a Kal 9000 fuel or thrust glitch since you're permitting DLC
  4. I've been playing around with some possible methods to use gravity assists off the Mun to get to other planets. One gravity assist by itself isn't enough to make a big difference. However, you can eject into a resonance with Kerbin and grab additional Mun assists to pick up energy as demonstrated by Vector. He took a craft from LKO to Eve for 873 m/s. I have a post where I got from LKO to Eve for 841 m/s. In this run, I use 3 m/s in course corrections between Eve and Jool. So theoretically 844 m/s Kerbin to Jool is possible. I'm leaving this opportunity open for someone who is a better pilot than I am. The route: Kerbin-Mun-Mun-Kerbin-Mun-Kerbin-Mun-Eve-Kerbin-Kerbin-Jool In low Kerbin orbit with 905 m/s of delta-v remaining. This final maneuver isn't the one I ended up using. Mun assist kicks my orbit far above Kerbin where I use a second Mun assist to eject into a 5:4 resonance with Kerbin. I could have used a set of three Mun assists instead of just two, saving 12-13 m/s, but I didn't because my timing is lazy. Five years later I encounter Kerbin, turning my prograde velocity into retrograde velocity, and also getting some more retrograde velocity from the Mun. This puts me into a 4:5 resonance. Four years later I encounter Kerbin and the Mun again, dropping my orbit below Eve. Here, I neglected to time the transfer window properly so I have to wait a long time before getting the Eve assist. I think this Eve assist is actually more effective than a direct transfer would be since I have more radial velocity than a standard transfer? Here, I have the Eve assist and two Kerbin assists set up. However I lose a bunch of precision due to using high time warp in the inner system and also warping across SOI boundaries. The Eve assist is set to give me a Kerbin assist two orbits later, and then another Kerbin assist one orbit (three years) later. Final Kerbin assist set up - Jool wasn't in quite the right place (because again, lazy timing) so I have to raise my orbit quite a bit higher than normal with this last assist Tylo and Laythe assists to capture in orbit around Jool And here we are in Jool orbit. 50 m/s remaining, 905 m/s to start, 855 m/s expended between Kerbin orbit and Jool orbit. I can actually see this path as being quite useful. While it takes a lot longer, and a lot more careful planning, than a K-E-K-K-J route, it also saves nearly 20% of the delta-v needed. A further advantage to this path is that there is no minimum TWR required since you can just do periapsis kicks until you encounter Mun. This means that this is near ideal for low mass missions where TWR is a tradeoff with delta-v.
  5. Ok so I'm gonna finish the mission maybe this weekend. But I do have screenshots of the low delta-v route to Jool. 848 m/s burn to get a Mun assist. This gets me a second Mun assist that ejects me into a 5:4 resonance with Kerbin. I could have gotten by with a smaller initial burn but oh well Picture of second Mun assist Five years and four orbits later I intersect Kerbin and Mun again to get a 4:5 resonance with Kerbin I bend the trajectory around as much as possible using Mun Four years and five orbits later, I encounter Kerbin and the Mun a second time, dropping my periapsis below Eve Three years later, I encounter Eve and raise my orbit above Kerbin. I didn't hit it exactly at the descending node so my previous course correction was relatively large. Nine years later, I encounter Kerbin and bring myself into a 3:1 resonance with Kerbin. No Mun assist this time - I don't need it Three years later, I encounter Kerbin for the final time and get a Jool encounter. Jool wasn't quite in the right place so I needed to raise my orbit quite a bit higher than normal. Final course correction - another relatively large plane change Tylo and Laythe assists to capture around Jool And here we are - from LKO to Jool orbit for 855 m/s! I think this is a record actually. The lowest that I've seen before is just over 1000 m/s. Final route taken is Kerbin-Mun-Mun-Kerbin-Mun-Kerbin-Mun-Eve-Kerbin-Kerbin-Jool. This means that it's actually cheaper to get into Jool orbit than it is to get into Mun or Minmus orbit. Or, for that matter, any other planet or moon. (If you try aerobraking into orbit from Eve or Duna using this trick, the fuel spent to pull your orbit out of the atmo is going to be greater than whatever is used for course corrections).
  6. Ok I'm almost done with a run where I go to Bop, Pol, and Minmus. In this run I managed to get from Kerbin to Jool for only 855 m/s using lots of gravity assists.
  7. I actually prefer all-LF SSTO craft because they have a lot more delta-v in orbit. Here's one that I made for the orbital relay race challenge. With the expendable side boosters this craft can reach orbit 7 times in a row without refueling. Without the side boosters the craft can reach orbit 4 times in a row https://imgur.com/a/wAWNXAS
  8. Okay... I realized that my computer isn't cut out for this challenge. Everything runs completely fine right up until I try to build the ascent vehicle. Spamming oscar tanks and shrimp boosters brings me down to about 1 fps. I was going to try a purely chemical rocket submission but it seems like I'll have to use ions if I want to get anywhere near playable levels of performance. And I don't like using ions This is the ship that I was going to try to use. From LKO it can definitely do the entire Jool 5; it's just that I can't get it into LKO without frying my computer. In case anyone wonders, the ship from top to bottom is: Vall fuel Parachute pack Lander Laythe booster Tylo fuel Main tug Transfer stage
  9. The small 1.25m nose cone called "aerodynamic nose cone"
  10. @iamn00bAre 1.25m nosecones allowed? I need to streamline the trailing nodes on my fairings/service bays
  11. @iamn00b Are radial engines (Twitch, Thud, Spider) allowed?
  12. Oh yeah he'd probably find a sub-820 m/s route to Jool using some black magic trickery that no mere mortal can comprehend
  13. A bit of score analysis: 1/cost is going to be negligible, especially if you have ions. 1/mass will probably be the largest contributor to score, especially since sub-10 ton jool 5 are possible and nothing else will be even close to sub-10. Part counts will probably be between 50 and 200 so that will be the second largest contributor to score. Delta-v will be tricky to calculate. Getting into Kerbin orbit will use the majority of the fuel in the whole mission, about 3200 m/s for a rocket ascent and a bit more for a plane ascent. I have found a route from LKO to Eve that only costs 841 m/s, and from a low Kerbin orbit it's impossible to improve that by more than 2-3 m/s since you need that much to even get to Mun in the first place. From Eve you can get to Jool basically for free so let's say Kerbin->Jool is 843 m/s to account for course corrections. Then capturing around Laythe is also free. Calculating the rest will be a bit harder I think, but I will be pretty impressed if someone manages to go Kerbin->Jool for much less than 4100 m/s. In any case, the ordering for this type of mission will be Mass < Part count < Delta-v < Cost, so they should be optimized in this order. The biggest challenge for optimizing the ascent vehicle is that you can't use the Rapier engine so it'll have to either be Juno+Spark (optimizing mass) or Juno+Shrimp (optimizing cost/partcount) for the initial boost up to orbit.
  14. For aerodynamic reasons, are 0.625 -> 1.25 m adapters, or 1.25m nose cones, allowed?
  15. @ralanboyle Here's my submission for a Mun mission. https://imgur.com/a/koj9szL Costs 42080 in VAB, overall form of craft is very similar to Duna mission. Craft costs 42080 in VAB Jet booster recovered for 32731 Solid booster discarded (it's actually cheaper to just discard it than it is to add a probe core and parachutes) Lander recovered for 4794/2 giving a total cost of 6952 Lander has one Mk1 command pod and two Mk1 crew cabins, so it seats four. Cost per ticket is 1738 funds
  16. The airbrakes are in the front of the plane, so when they're deployed, they shift the center of drag forward. Then the craft is stable in the reverse orientation
  17. @ralanboyle Does a tailsitter count? The general strategy in this is to go as fast as possible toward the target airfield and then dump all the velocity using airbrakes, and then land. This means that I have a lot of room for optimization here. A better pilot could probably knock off another minute using this same craft. Horizontal takeoff at KSC -> vertical landing at island airfield -> vertical takeoff at island airfield -> horizontal landing at KSC Horizontal takeoff at KSC I reach 1600 m/s before deploying the airbrakes This thing decelerates at 80 G When airbrakes are deployed this plane is stable in a tailsitter position, and it also has enough TWR to take off like this. I took a full minute to hover down when it should have been more like 20 seconds though Full throttle back to KSC Dumping speed and prepared for landing Landed after 3:50
  18. I bet a plane with a buoyancy thing in the nose would work really well. Then you can push the nose up/down and glide on that force
  19. @ralanboylehere's a lazy mission taking one tourist to Duna and Ike, costing 7373 funds. Since the Duna landing uses 92 oxidizer and the Ike landing uses 71 oxidizer I'm going to split the cost of the Duna and Ike tickets in this 92:71 ratio, so the Duna ticket costs 4161 and the Ike landing costs 3212 Four segment craft - airbreathing booster, rocket booster, lander, fuel tank It's vaguely comical to see a plane carrying a rocket twice its size Same as before, rocket pushes to orbit and booster turns around It always takes way too long to turn around in the thin layers of atmosphere Rapiers get the most distance per fuel at high speed so it's actually advantageous to punch the throttle and glide to target I totally didn't almost lose control here 28528 back Circularizing Booster aims for KSC I can never get the thing to land exactly on the runway for higher recovery value 2420 back Duna transfer, Ike assist drops periapsis down to aerobraking level Course correction Aerobraking Lander leaves tug in orbit by undocking, which pushes it below 50 km - so I can deorbit for free Due to aerodynamic trickery, the lander has much higher drag facing backward than facing forward. So it's hard to fly but saves a lot of dV on landing and ascent Ascent Rendezvous At this point I realized I way overengineered this thing so I take it to Ike Ike insertion Ike landing Rendezvous Pulling orbit below Ike - wait for optimal transfer window since I'm lazy and neglected to time the return burn correctly Return burn is small After an outsize course correction and a relatively small one, I aerobrake Pulling periapsis out of atmosphere Aiming for KSC Parachuting down Final recovery
  20. I was thinking of something similar - have a large crew cabin in orbit and shuttle passengers down two at a time
  21. @ralanboyle Okay, new submission. Craft is 38683 funds in SPH. Consists of three parts: airbreathing booster, orbital tug, and lander This craft can get so much more out of the air breathing cycle on the rapier engines. As a result I barely need any rocket fuel to make orbit Tug pushes to orbit while air breathing booster turns around 26368 funds back from this - 12315 remaining Minmus transfer Bonus Mun flyby thrown in for free Minmus insertion - the tug flies past Setting up Mun assist Aiming for KSC after a few aerobraking passes Landed at KSC 6713 funds recovered - divide this by 2 - net expenses are 8958 funds now Minmus landing - we should have more than enough to get home here Mun assist Due to some aerodynamic trickery on the lander it actually performs quite well as a lifting body. I'm aiming for the runway here Eh, close enough, especially for not having any lifting surfaces 4654 funds recovered - ending up with a net total expense of 6631 funds. There are four seats in this mission, making the ticket price 1657 funds each. I've noticed a few opportunities for improvement as well. -Use cheaper parts - I pick parts for optimizing mass by reflex, but since rocket fuel is so much cheaper than the loss of cost from refurbishing, this actually isn't worth it -Take a more efficient path to Minmus - with proper gravity assists it only takes 840-ish m/s to actually get there -Land closer to the runway - parts landed on the runway get a higher recovery value than parts landed off the runway
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