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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Can you delete posts you made? And what about that weird bug that the forums was kinda all bullet pointed.
  2. Why didn’t anyone call me? I guess @Nate Simpson
  3. Go to my youtube channel. I have a video about it.
  4. I was browsing through the internet one day and I though I would check out on some KSP2 news. I went to the KSP website and I quickly went through all the pages. However the Job page got me. Not because I need a job because of a particular parts of the description it said: The QA Tester will work closely with all other disciplines on the development team to verify KSP 2 is built as intended and at high quality. This role will communicate with team members, attempt to break everything they touch, and make sure players have as smooth an experience as possible from the floor of Kerbin to the farthest reaches of space! Now the part were it says (in red). Now, it says " attempt to break everything they touch ". This made me laugh a lot (im not sure why maybe I am crazy) but then I though of all bugs in Kerbal Space Program. Then that reminded of me of Danny2462. You know. the youtuber, and his videos (which I enjoy very much). And I was thinking, what kind of awesome bugs could Danny2462 unleash or find. Huh. I guess we all find bugs. Hm. Im not sure why I posted this.
  5. Woo hoo! Another video to make about! I have a YouTube channel.
  6. A Duna Transfer Window is 45 degrees Kerbin back and duna front.
  7. Here.This video will tell you how to download KSP demo. IN the video description there is also a link.
  8. I can tell you. You have to go to a very old version of Steam. I’ll send you a link and make a video about it.
  9. I had to change my YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9fQPVeOGopjD7IfONUU4g So please subscribe!
  10. SSTO Caravan Dragons SSTO, Plane, Test Flight, and Science Today I have launched a MK2 SSTO into low Kerbin orbit. This is not the first time I’ve made an SSTo and made it to orbit however. Before I get to why I announced this I will tell you the beginning. First I made the SSTO. I launched from the run way and kept a rather high pitch. Just 10 meters or 0.01 kilometers from the end of the runway the plane swept up and it flew like an angel (I’m just tying to say it easy to fly). I kept a 43 degree pitch for about 4 kilometers and pitched to a 25 degree pitch. Keeping the pitch for a long time I gained speed up to 2,345 m/s just 45 km above sea level. I had a very efficient gravity turn and I got it not orbit just using 2 nuclear engine aboard the plane. However since I launched in the evening the KSC was at night by the time I got into orbit. I had plan to land back at the KSC (being my first time). After waiting 5 hours in orbit the KSC was faintly in some light and it was in the morning. I burned retrograde and entered the atmosphere. I kept a -9 degree pitch amazing at the KSC. Thank goodness the craft didn’t blow up. Looked like the Kraken let me survive. After keeping the angle for about until I reached 3,00 meters above sea level i realized I was going to fast. Pitching up and down I started to loose emended speed. However the landing would be awful. During rentry my allotment was off from the KSC. I could land on the runway. I had to fly around and make some really sharp turns. I almost hit the SPH. Oo. That gave me chills. However I finally pitched up to make a loop. I shutdown my engine and fell. I rotated the craft and reignited the engines and faced the runway. I had put the lights and gears on. Soon I finally touched the Runway surface with the wheels. Success! It was the first time ever I had landed on the Runway. I quickly braked and the mission ended. Woo. What a flight. Jebidiah and Bill were relieved. The long 6 hour mission ended. And I built and landed my first SSTO at the KSC. Status: Fully Functional, Reusable, Not Broken, Crew Survived, Mission Succesful
  11. I’m going to by it. Make a YouTube video about. Or not.
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