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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. It’s a realitively new PS4 actually. And my PC is garbage. A old windows seven isn’t going to cut it. So I use an iPad.
  2. Help! PS4 won’t get Kerbal 1.10mupdate file. I’m on 1.2nwhne meniver nodes are added. 

  3. It not goon g well. The PS4 isn’t getting the update file. I’m not sure why so I’m restarting it and updating the PS4. This is so upsetting! It’s an outrage! Can anyone help me?
  4. KSP 1.10 has lots of cool things. and its coming to console.

  5. KSP 1.10 has lots of cool things. and its coming to console.

  6. This is a forums where KSP console palyers can ask other console players questions. I think this will be helpful. KSP1.10 is coming to console.
  7. KSP 1.10 is coming to consoles today.

  8. -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 -91 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 -99 -100
  9. Hello. Its a nice day today to launch another rocket. What should I do today? Oops! Theres the 1,10 update coming! Should i play with those flags glue ons or should i just laucnh a probe?

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      1.10 coming to consoles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Dr. Kerbal
    3. Dr. Kerbal
  10. In the new update I might make a orbital probe to conduct science experiments. I plan to make the probe as light as possible so I could put it around eve, duna, or jool. But i might just put it around minmus for relay. But it will conduct science experiment that will help me know what the planet or moon has. Its also just trying for almost propaganda but its fun. I plan to make this probe last forever attaching solar panels to conduct experiments. and maybe ill add an engine so it can change orbits or go to other moons and planets. But I might just go and make a tiny tiny probe like the small probes that are super light!
  11. i dont know. i might make a hiigh orbit eve, duna, minmus, kerbin, or mun science probe that measures gravity and magnetosphere and helps with relay I have really bad relay system and ive only begun interplanetary missions
  12. Hi! What is today? Or should I say what is tommarow?

  13. Yup. My work just gets worst day by day because of the Internet not working. What happens in tomorrow that I’m so happy about?
  14. I guess so? How about this I will edit the rules. And yes eve I have been a little hard on. I howl you enjoy your flights!
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