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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Here us my first mun lander. Mun 45: vv 4e Wait how do i insertf photos?
  2. In order to get rid of debris that cant come back and be destroyed there are two options. One you can send an ssto that has a grapping hooked and dock to the debris and put it on a collision course (debris). Or you can go to the traking station and select the debris. Then there will be an option to terminate it. Press that and it will magically disappear. There i a problem with having too much debris when flying and you have all the debris locations showing it can make the map screen lag. If enough things are in space it could crash the game. I advise you to terminate all debris that isn't important to avoid KSP crashing, game files being corrupted or deleted, or all files deleted, or computer trouble. You never know so be careful but make sure to have fun. Please do not take this answer as a offense or any other mean comment. I just wrote this to help. But this may be more than enough. Sorry.
  3. Im not sure. I havve never docked before but It may be the Kraken. Wait it started to lag??? Well it depends, KSP simulates every part that is in physics range which is less than 5km. And it is probeley lagging because yout space station is made out of lots of parts. The game is trying to run all the caculalations but too slow and cant update the graphics and video making it super laggy. Dont worry. I made a 2000 part rocket it was super laggy. Then the game may crash so this could leading to Game Diles being delelted or reverting before you dud your mission losing all your progress. So becarfula dn try not to use so many parts. This happened may times to me. I tried creating a 200 part vessel that can go suoer sinic in less than 10seconds and it lagged. going to faast at a low attitiude of a planet when the aredynamic forces shows up creates lag too.
  4. I wish in KSP2 has way more parts and include eery part from KSP1 including all DLCs
  5. That will never happen. Cause ima chatter box. When coming to texts Hey if I dont alk in 24 hours in the chat cam I choose your Mission Doodling Astronaut?
  6. Guys! I have great news. Remember how I told you Jeb is stuck on the Mun. Well, I made a new KSP game and I successfully landed on the Mun today! First landing in my game. Now Jeb and Bill can go home. My lander has 2,276 dv least so I should make it home. But will a lander can 2 with a heat shield survive?
  7. just get ksp2 and wait because it has more parts and things o do.
  8. Really. well, i like the original spot so hehe. we all have our opinions I wish KSP2 will be better for consoles and PC users. Like updates come out at same date or actually on consoles update files come. ND YOU DON T NEED TO BUY dlcS TO ACESS UPDATES.
  9. In KSP2 I heard there moving the NAV ball and other things. Maybe they could add in settings to set it to the original placing from KSP1. That would make players for, KSP1 to get used to KSP2 and make it easier for them to play.
  10. Hi! Discord. what's that?

  11. Ksp has a competition. SIMPLE ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will that be the killer for ksp?! hope not. we need ksp to be better than ever! with better grphics, no lag, no bugs, has to be perfect! KSP rules! I have an idea of a KSP movie. Long in the future Kerbals go and find a a new home leaving Kerbin behind and forgetting home. When they look for others planets the discover the Kerbil system again and find their boosters on Kerbin. They investigate and find out that it’s Kerbin, there long gone home. They attempt to research about the KSC and the old KSC. But they come across Jebidaih who tells them that Kerbin is home. And they find more kernels in Kerbin sating the same thing. They leave Kerbin and kerbal start to come back to Kerbin and the Kebol system. Good story. It about home. That home is home.
  12. Just biudla a small craft that can land on the planet or moon. attachech anything the contract wants on the base. land the base on the planet or moon. then rename it to a base.
  13. I have an idea of a KSP movie. Long in the future Kerbals go and find a a new home leaving Kerbin behind and forgetting home. When they look for others planets the discover the Kerbil system again and find their boosters on Kerbin. They investigate and find out that it’s Kerbin, there long gone home. They attempt to research about the KSC and the old KSC. But they come across Jebidaih who tells them that Kerbin is home. And they find more kernels in Kerbin sating the same thing. They leave Kerbin and kerbal start to come back to Kerbin and the Kebol system. Good story. It about home. That home is home.
  14. I know but that like in Tylo and there’s only one.
  15. Haha! Anything is possible in Kerbal Space Program. And if not, try again! wow. you have a lot of thins in LKO. How much ships would you need to able to see one form anothere? OO! But a police station with like a space station with other ships docked to it like police cars but space cars.
  16. we need caves! i wish planets could collide. or when things blow up there are scrapes everywhere.
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