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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Go to this tutorial page for helpful tips on how to play KSP!

    hope this helps!

  2. I owe Mis Giuded Kerbal lots of like because it getting really good! They should make another KSP movie.
  3. I can’t wait for KSP2. I have been looking forward to it since I got the news. Just waiting. And what if. What if what? I don’t know. But more rockets, booster, things are just going to get more Kerbal after KSP2! Yes. After KSP2, rockets wil get more Kerbal!
  4. I don’t know bit so far I have found out lots of info about KSP2. Like parts, gameplay, and even planets!
  5. Here is a tutorial page I made for KSP Enhanced Edition PS4 player. I hope this helps people!
  6. How to Get Into Orbit. When playing KSP you want to aim for other planets and the stars beyond. But when your rocket first launches it doesn't get into orbit. It just go up really high. The back down. So, how do you get into orbit? Every KSP mission starts with the orbit. When building a rocket your rocket should have at least 2,000 dv to get into orbit. I personally think that 3,000 dv is enough if you want to prefect your orbit or do some inclination changes. First build your rocket and make sure you have at least 2,00dv. Then launch your rocket up. Slightly tilt at 5,000m to about half way to the 45 degrees maker. Then continue going up. At 10,000m tilt to 45degrees over time. If you do it immediately your rocket might crash. Go to the map screen and see if your apoapsis make is about 80,000m. Cut your throttle and make a maneuver node at the apoapsis maker. Drag the prograde maker until your periapsis raises above 70,000m. Warp to your node and burn until you get a orbit free of going through the atmosphere. Well done your in orbit. Do all of your science experiments or whatever you need to do. Point to the retrograde maker () and go full throttle. When your have a path of a crash course decouple and point your heatshield retrograde. Wait until you hit the atmosphere. When you the parachutes signs are gray and white release all of your parachutes, jettison your heat shield and land safely. Then recover your craft. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— How to Get To The Mun. Biuld your rocket that will take your ship to the Mun. Launch that rocket into orbit. Look for the Mun on the map screen. Make a munuver node and drag the prograde all the way out to the Min’s orbit. You may get a encounter immediately. If not move the miniver node to another part of an orbit or adjust the mover node using the makers. When you get a encounter burn and finish the node off. Then warp to your mun encounter. Burn retrograde at your Mun Periapsis unto you get a Mun orbit. Look for a good Lang in spot to land on the mun. Burn retrograde until your path goes on the land spot. Warp closer to the Mun To 8,000m. Then burn retrograde to kill your velocity. When you over the surface of the Mun make sure you are landing at 3m/s to avoid any damage to your craft. Do science and plant a flag. And head home. Launch your lander out and make a mun orbit. Than leave the Mun and use miniver nodes to get back on Kerbin. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— How to Get to Minmus. Minmus is Kerbin Ss Spence moon. It very small and has large mountains and flat plains. It also has very low gravity making it the ideal place to land. First bike your rocket then launch it into orbit. Use the menuver nodes to get an encounter with Minmus. Burn for Minmus and at Minmus periapsis burn retrograde to a stable Minmus orbit. Then land on Minmus. Plant a flag and make a Minmus orbit escape from Minmus and plan a a crash course to Kerbin. Renter Kerbin atmosphere with heat shield first. Deeply parachutes and land and recover vessel.
  7. Moho Solo. I always use menu very nodes when coming to encounters but over long distances encounters have a very small window. And since the game calculates big numbers for theses encounters it becomes more of an estimate. Making is harder. So I sometimes have to do extra butprn time to get encounters. But then in the map screen I check for encounters and it gets a little gltvpchy and can’t cut throttle. I end up missing the encounter over and over ahpgain. It take 3 or more tries to get a certain encounter.
  8. I can’t believe it! I’m so happy! KSP2 is one it’s way! Hope it comes sooner though. That would be a surprise!
  9. Look at this. I’m assuming that we can adjust the size of parts. There is a thing called Type: Default I’m assuming this indicates that we can make it to a fitting of other sized parts. Either custom or the choice the game gives.
  10. I am conducting a mission to Gilly or Pol/Bob. But please. Which one is easier for beginners and which one is easier to land on.
  11. If your confused on which ones Retograde or Prograde (which It sound like you are) well Retrograde () will slow you down. Prograde will make you faster. If that’s not corosponding in the game you may have a bug.
  12. Hi Neil Karmstrong. This is a very good question when trying to squeeze all the science you can! My answer to you varies on what your playing KSP on. If PC or computer install a mod which tells you what biome you’re over. You could also use the Biome Scnning thing and it tells which Biome your in when you are close enough. Or just use on of the science experiment and it will say : Recording done on (Biome). On Console jus slap on a Biome scanner used to scanning biomes (not the resource ones though that you put on orbital satilite used to ore mapping). I hope this answers your question. Thanks for the like.
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