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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I would be hard. Feuding to docks the prices. But they would have to be huge! Like. Man. How big would it be if it was like the really one. A giant ball in space that like over kilometers long. Geezs. You would have to dockemunless you can Kek a rocket Cary into LKO in open piece.
  2. I think you should get KSP. Or wait for KSP2 because it brings more realism. And it has 3D! Sim0le rockets is flat and you can’t move camera for 3D. It depends on the person. If you like complex stuff go to KSP. If you like more simple or version of rocketry go to Simple Rockets. It also depends on the person 99.99%. 0.1% is game itself. For choosing. Just choose what you think is best for you and you won’t regret it.
  3. In KSP2 I wish there is like a tube to connect craft. Either to transfer fuel or ore. Or other stuff like electricity.
  4. Wow. That’s awesome. What if you made a giant ball like in Star Trek. Like that Yorktown city. That would be neat.
  5. I wish in KSP2 engineers could take part parts and make new parts. Like if I want to get rid of my engine of fuel tanks to make something more useful of efficient in the situation that would be great. Or maybe a place where engineers can biuld stuff almost like a mini van that portable. And to make stuff you need scrapes or ore.
  6. I wish KSP would spaimulate when altering an atomohere while targeting it creates drag. I hope KSP2 will show where you land with the atmosphere drag.
  7. Let’s see mow many features were wishes for KSP2!
  8. I hear Elon musk will put a “KSP” maybe on Tesla
  9. I like that you made the Hopes and Wishes for KSP2. I think the developers should see it.

  10. I wish KSP2 will have more parts like Apollo rocket part, Russian parts, old parts, smaller probe cores, larger heat shells, and way bigger fuel tanks. And better engines like the vector engines but doubled. Also I wish that KSP2 wil be lass laggy when coming to encounters like Ksp1
  11. Hey I wish KSP would have larger communications equipment or stronger ones that you could on a lander can2 of some resonable size. Hello!
  12. oh really. sorry i dont get goood ksp2 news hehe.
  13. Hey lets think of features that we wish to see in KSP2!

  14. no like an auo timewarp for transfer windows. so i press duna transfer window itt imeswarps to a duna transfer window
  15. i knwo when transfer windows are but when i timewarp to like get a lander there on the launch pad it takes forever there are very veiw days to get to another planet
  16. You know what. In ksp1 the planet move super slowly at max time warp. but what if time warp was faster and we had like time warp to duna transfer window or jool transfer window. it would be more convenient. That is a feature I wish KSp2 will have.
  17. you knwo what there needs to be moore timewarp. or trnasfer window time warp it would be more convienent
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