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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I know hat my first rocket was. It was the MK34-Mun145. I don't have an image but it landed on the mun and returned in multiple pieces. However the cerw did survive.
  2. okay. My PS4 would freek out with that.
  3. KSP2 is a game that the entire KSP community is waiting for the game. But the consoles will probably will have to wait more however. Is there a way to quicken the process from PC to Consoles. Like before PC released the company that transfers console does the console controllers almost lit the same times as they are finishing PC controls? But then what if KSP2 will be console transferred by the same company that transferred KSP to consoles? What if controls are the same for PC and Consoles? does that mean the transfer of KSP2 to consoles will be quicker. Like after the PC version is released, does that mean like 1 month after? But it would depend what info we have. Same Controls for PC --) Same Company to Transfer KSP1 with KSP2 to consoles --) then same controls? --) Earlier Release date for consoles? Not some controls for PC --) Not same company to transfer? --) not same console controls --) Later release date?
  4. KSP on consoles maneuver nodes are very problematic for me. When making maneuver nodes and getting encounters the game stops and glitches. And sometimes you miss those predicted encounters and you have to play with the maneuver nodes more. When moving the muniver nodes on a particular part of this orbit your on its sometimes go really slow and sometimes goes really fast. This is annoying because then i have to make a whole new node in a different place. I wish it would go faster and less glitchy. Or it would be able to hold on the muniver nodes and move it quickly across the orbit your on like PC. Please fix this in KSP and KSP2 (for future reference).
  5. You don’t. You get a very stupid and idiotic answer. Like Where donut? What donut? Peewee?
  6. KSP2 has introduced many plants and one of them in Puff. Puff is a weird planet with two icecaps and one giant ocean on one half of the planet. The planet is not in the Kerbal Solar System but it will be a planet that you can see while interstellar travel. The planets almost looks like Laythe. It looks to have an atomphophere and the water seems to be a liquid in the giant ocean. The planet is a new one and people can’t wait to explore it.
  7. I’m not sure. Cause I want onto. Hmm. I’m not sure.
  8. Hey Matt Lowne. Can you do a challenge?

    Do a ally-by if every moon and planet in KSP without transfer windows.

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Wow. He actulyy did it.

  9. Tell others about kraken here.
  10. Developer Kraken This Kraken was discovered by linuxgurugamer. This Kraken is what caused KSP2 to be released in 2021. However not much is known. The Kraken doesn’t not show its face and is a mysterious one.
  11. KSP2 Kraken Topic. Dont worry. I made that already!
  12. It maybe a little early for KSP2 Krakens but it good to be prepared. Have you found any KSP2 Krakens?! Report here and send images and other useful insights fo this new KSP2 Kraken. Here on this topic. Report now! (When KSP2 is released)
  13. No. Cause I don’t want to. No. You summon the almighty Kraken of Doom there!
  14. Make the most Kerbal Rocket ever! Add booster and more, make it Kerbal! To submit your rockets and to share all over the Kerbal community post your rocket and enter a disscripstion. Let the Most-Kerbal Rocket take place!
  15. Hi!

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Thanks for the kippeing on track comment. I thought my topic was going off the rails and end up on a dirt road.

    2. Vanamonde
  16. Welcome to Mission Report. Here you can tell others mission you’ve done or you plan to do. You can be professional and draw a logo and make some discripson. Maybe even add photos. Just share your missions! And the public will like it.
  17. . Can you understand this? Bene. nescio quid dicam, sed ... Im googn facere a Magistro fuisse aliquo sed nescio quo. Non intelliguntur. Ego sum qui Iesi genuit mihi goignt astroid et missio. Huh? Oc? Im 'iens ad Dres. Facere almder est. Huh. bene. Dres. petra est, in spatio. bene. beh! sic. Ave googn Dres ire! https://www.google.com/search?q=google+translate&client=safari&hl=en-us&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=8cpQVmlPg5FKQM%2CHx0X7Q5xp7ygPM%2C%2Fm%2F025sndk&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSUr-HZFmFXLFHAWQyuA1MlTWqciA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV6K232J7sAhVYCTQIHTYqD6EQ_B16BAgTEAM&biw=1269&bih=834&dpr=2#imgrc=8cpQVmlPg5FKQM
  18. I really just want the community to know that the parts will come (cause some don’t get all KSP2 info like me) and to show them what it will look like.
  19. This part (Solar Panels) is making an appearance in the pre-alpha gameplay. The solar panels is now in thei video. Here is the time the part makes an apearence. 5:51
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