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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Good words Matt Lowne. Remember him saying: "Is Tylo made out of cheese? Who knows?"
  2. His YouTube videos are great. And his KSP movies, velocity lake, space this week, and his earlier videos.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      what i got all the way to duna cause of his videos

    3. Dat Kerbal Dude

      Dat Kerbal Dude

      well,that's great! however,i learned by just testing at my own way.

    4. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      i guess so actually the mun encounter was all an accident with me elliptical orbit space station

  3. I wonder how the new KSC looks will it look like the old one or will it be completely different? hi hey how many new parts will there be in KSP2
  4. thanks but im need a moderate still and i have already posted 6 posts if you count in this forum so whats the problem???
  5. KSP2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot wait
  6. i like Matt Lowne i like his YouTube videos on KSP. they feel friendly. It like Im talking to a normal guys who has a life instead of a guy who talks more stuff i have no idea about. like i play KSP. but i dont know everything about rocket science. matt lowne videos are like a easy beginners tutorial. Nice and easy. his videos helped me so much I got to the MUN, Minmus, and duna with his videos. i am right, right?
  7. I hope not cause i play KSP on PS4 and i want to play KSP2 as soon as possible
  8. HI! In the forum we ask and try to answer questions about KSP2? What planets will there be? Is Minmus gonna have ice craem? Will Jeb return? Who knows! Will Jeb, Bill, and Bob return to KSP2???
  9. but since of COVID-19 will KSP2 be released on MAC, Xbox, and PS4 at all at once? Or will I have to wait another year after release???
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