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  1. Posted to the github issue page with fresh screenshots and a log. Let me know if it isnt the correct log file or if anything else is needed.
  2. Will grab logs as soon as I’ve finished my current maneuvers and restart the game to recreate it on a fresh load.
  3. Here's a new batch of cooked screenshots. (btw for the Linux guys, I'm running the Windows version through Crossover on a Mac, so I may be having a completely different set of causes for the issue) This ones pretty bad: Mach 4-5 in atmosphere: One of my least screwed-up screenshots:
  4. Alright, here's my best attempt at giving a proper "walkthrough" of doing it. Required Software: Crossover (Free trial or paid, I will not endorse nor explain manipulating the free trial indefinitely, however, I do know it is possible) KSP for Windows Steps Install Crossover, create a Windows 10 "bottle", enable MSync and D3DMetal and High Resolution Mode. Download the Windows distribution of KSP from the new download website (https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/downloads) Extract this .zip file into your MacOS applications folder. Find the KSP application within the folder, and drag and drop it onto crossover, this will open a window, click save as launcher. Once you have verified that the game runs without issues stock, install CKAN and install your mods. After installing your mods through CKAN, manually install ParralaxContinued (this also applies to Volumetric clouds); this is so you can prevent accidentally overwriting ParralaxContinued with dependencies from other mods. Run the game through the icon that should now be in your Crossover "bottle". Voila, you've done it. Known issues: Performance is not great. Now, this is possibly a memory leak due to the "translation" layer, but it could also just be that Macs don't have much RAM. Try setting your display resolution to 1080p or lower. Some mods' UIs may appear without any text in them, like mechjeb or BDA (that UI style); this is because of a missing font; you can install this font through crossover. Simply hit the install button in the lower left corner of the crossover window. Then look up "TrueType Font Arial", and install both Arial and Arial black (purely because I did and I'm not sure which of the two was the right one) I'm probably missing something or just forgetting to clarify something that seems obvious to me as someone who's been using it for a while now. If that's the case, just ask, and I'll explain. However, it really is a fairly straightforward process. Final note: I only did this with KSP now because I tried reinstalling the Mac version of KSP, and it's bricked, so this is the only way I can play it anymore. In the process, I realized I could now use Parallax, but this "tutorial" will also work for a stock install, obviously.
  5. Havent found a cause for the RAM issue, however by changing the resolution scaling for my display and reducing the game resolution to 1080p (ish) I've mostly smoothed out the frame rate.
  6. Update: I've done some more testing, checked out other planets, and tried to optimize a bit. However, it appears that it is trying to use as much RAM as humanly possible. I've got 16gb ram, about 12 of which were available when I launched the game, and I'm currently at 95% ram usage. (This high ram usage is present even in the main menu) I'm going to do some more testing and gradually remove mods; I believe it's a visual mod causing further issues as when I'm in the hangar looking in (not facing the open side), my frames are good, whereas if I'm flying or looking outside, it's very choppy.
  7. I'm also currently experimenting with parallax on MacOS. Essentially, what they've been talking about above (you might have already gathered this, but I might as well restate it) is the "translation" software/layers, Crossover and Whisky, which are both based on Wine. They act as an intermediary level for running Windows software on MacOS. It's supposed to be less performance-intensive than a full emulation as it's not running two OSes at the same time. I had some difficulties getting it working originally, but that was most likely my fault for loading all of my mods on at once instead of bit by bit. (It was about 30 GB of mods so there were bound to be issues) Essentially, all it is is installing the Windows version of KSP through Crossover/Whisky and installing the mods as normal. Something mentioned above is they had issues with it using DXVK (Vulkan) and Enhanced Sync (ESync); on Crossover, the alternative to these is D3DMetal and MSync. As of right now, it appears to be working fine, if a little slow, but I've yet to try tinkering with settings to get better performance. (The game also doesn't trigger MacOS's "game mode" which dedicates more resources to games when in full screen) Trees, grass, terrain, all working fine, volumetric clouds, scatterer, planetshine not showing any conflicts. Ill post more once I've tried breaking it.
  8. Hi all, I am having an entirely different issue with the new downloads, my game doesn't even run anymore, when I launch it it has a black screen with the progress bar half full, but it stays there indefinitely, I may try to leave it overnight and see if it ever launches fully and it's just a loading screen issue but it doesn't seem to be. Im on OSX btw, I feel like it might be an issue with it being the portable download instead of the old installer but I deleted the installer file long ago. We'll see. If anyone knows or has heard of this issue before id appreciate any help.
  9. I dont know how to use the baloons. could you tell me
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