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    Dinosaurs and Space.

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  1. Hello, I'm trying to create my own TU configs for a mod but I'm having trouble with Texture switch. Top is Recolour, bottom is default. I am using placeholder textures for Recolour.
  2. Im not sure how to upload my log. How do a add rasterpropmonitorcomputer to config?
  3. I modified an iva for a modded part and the instruments are static and don't function. Is there a way to fix this? I am using aset props. https://streamable.com/dlbw1c
  4. Hello, I'm having a problem were the engine sounds don't play at all. I have restock and restock+ installed along with module manager, smokescreen and realplume.
  5. This moon pack me take me longer then expected as I am having some technical difficulties If anyone would help me out ill appreciate that
  6. Sorry i ment how can I make jool moons plus compatible with the 2 mods
  7. I dont know how to make a principia patch and a kerbalism patch.
  8. Yeah that is very true. Maybe I should create five instead?
  9. I recently learnt how to create planets with kopernicus and I decided to begin working on a pack that adds 12 new moons to Jool. What do you think about a Jool moons pack?
  10. How do I add textures to the surface of custom planets that I have made?
  11. @KingKerb You are missing some features in the scaledSpace, you might want recheck the tutorial.
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