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Everything posted by thundershield

  1. Yeah, really wish I had known this before I took a rover to Eve. Ended up only being able to go downhill, with even the most modest of slops proving too much lol
  2. I'm similarly in camp 3, or at least was. I played some KSP 1 but ended up getting distracted by life a bit before I finally left the Kerbin system. However, so far in KSP 2 I've been pretty solidly doing interplanetary missions. I've now done 5 interplanetary missions in KSP 2, and one of them was even a success! In general, I've personally have been having a lot of fun in KSP 2. The updated graphics really does make me want to head to other planets and see them up close. I've got a fairly good machine and the only time I've experienced bad frame rate was with 4x physical time warp. Not sure if I'm just lucky or not but I have yet to experience a game breaking glitch. I've had plenty of glitches mind, but they usually have either been harmless or something I can fix just by loading the last save I made. One other thing I haven't seen mentioned too often in KSP 2 is acceleration under timewarp. So far, most of my missions have been with unmanned probes driven by ion engines, just cause I think probes are cool looking. In KSP 1 ion engines were near unusable since you would have to leave your computer running for half an hour to complete one burn. With KSP 2 though, I can easily complete an hour long burn in roughly less then a minute, making ion engines way more practical for actual use. KSP 2 still has a long way to go, but they seriously nailed this feature at the very least.
  3. At 2:27 I see something cylindrical in the top left corner landed on the Mun. Not entirely sure what it is, as there isn't enough detail, but my best guess would be the crashed spaceship from the main menu screen, but I could totally be wrong.
  4. Thanks you so much for the help! Sorry about not uploading a screenshot, but you guys got it anyway. I haven't played KSP in years, and just picked the game up on the recent sale, so I had no idea what the number was. This will definitely help with landing on the mun. Once again, thank you all so much!
  5. Pretty much title. I've been searching all around, but have yet to find an answer, not helped by the fact that I don't actually know what to search. It's a velocity, but doesn't match with any of the delta v calculators I've used, so I really have no idea what it's measuring.
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