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Jack Mcslay

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Everything posted by Jack Mcslay

  1. I think you're overestimating how hard it would be to implement and how much it would actually add to the challenge. This isn't minecraft, you can't just if (random()>x) rain(); doing weather patterns on a game in planetary scale needs atmospheric modeling in planetary scale, currently only flight sims on fairly big budget simulate weather patterns and I don't think they have actual atmospheric models but just create storms at location X. And I say that it doesn't add that much to the challenge because unless the players want to fly through storms on purpose they will just do what they do in real life: postpone the launch until weather conditions are favorable. In the end it's too much effort in a game where you don't really spend all that much time flying in the atmosphere. I wouldn't really expect anything beyond aesthetic rain, maybe clouds blocking sunlight to solar panels.
  2. A 'ground' SAS mode for rovers: orients the vehicle to be level with the ground's inclination and the reaction wheels yaw aid in turning; Input settings on the in-game menu; Proper boat/submarine parts, respective science would be cool too; More craft labels, such 'refueling station', 'laboratory', separate labels for manned and unmanned rovers; Tracked vehicles; Breaking ground robotics parts not with the structural rigidity of wet spaghetti; MK2, MK3 and 3.75m reaction wheels I'm pretty sure contracts to measure stuff at surface level are rover specific. They're simply not practical with flying vehicles.
  3. Let's be honest, KSP itself still as of today isn't exactly stellar when it comes to optimization and stability. As long as they follow the same strategy of early release rather than dump a poorly tested "stable" release they'll probably be fine. All those examples are entirely or mostly focused on multiplayer, so I don't think it really applies
  4. In that case hopefully KSP2 won't put the tracking station to single digit FPS if you try tracking 1000 asteroids
  5. Sounds dubious, I don't think transfers would be feasible since in competitive multiplayer you can't time warp and considering the competitors'ships would have no physical contact in this category, it's just simpler to do timed runs like people already do in KSP. Same problem as above, though the interplanetary tug gives an idea - docking competition: launch a vessel somewhere in orbit, launch another one containing the players' ships, rendezvous and compete to see who docks first
  6. Anyone else thought about it? Building your craft and racing around with others should be an interesting use of multiplayer, I hope the mission builder has functionality to make it possible.
  7. Kerbal Alarm Clock is the only mod I use and definitely should be implemented to some degree Not a Mod but I wish they would change the breaking ground robotic parts so they wouldn't have the structural rigidity of wet spaghetti
  8. KSP: Explore the star system KSP2: Explore nearby star systems KSP3: Explore the galaxy KSP4: Explore the universe KSP5: Open portals to alternate dimensions KSP6: Achieve time travel creating a paradox that destroys the entire universe.
  9. I'm hoping the announced anchoring feature will also help mitigating this problem. Having to try docking my rovers multiple times because suddenly the rover decided to take a 180° front flip and destroy my refueling base is quite annoying. Oddly enough, you can transfer inventory items between craft that are near each other.
  10. You can already gather science by taking samples from asteroids, and they're pretty easy to rendezvous with their low, mostly circular equatorial orbit and low orbital velocity. Put a lab in dres' orbit with refuel capacity and you can go from asteroid to asteroid gathering science indefinitely - rendezvous with the asteroid, gather a sample and then move to the next one. Or you could lower the orbit for another sample, and if you're brave land it for yet another sample. Though more experiments with asteroids would be nice. At the very least the Gravioli detector should be able to measure the asteroid's gravity. As it is I view Dres as having a better risk+effort/reward relationship than Eve - the ton of biomes isn't worth the chore of navigating around it to gather science given it's characteristics and it's moon Gilly having only 3 biomes is hardly worth it either.
  11. Now on topic, one thing I wish is UI improvements: Better filtering of objects on the tracking station, such as showing only objects orbiting or landed at a chosen parent, showing only objects with a pending maneuver node and such; Filtering of missions during gameplay, allowing to filter out missions that are unattainable with the current craft; Sorting mission options at the mission control, such as by reward value and deadline; A listing of stored experiments instead of having to click 'keep experiment' dozens of times when checking stored experiments; Ability to take only specific experiments; Telling what speed and altitude an object will be at a given point in it's orbit; edit: Another thing Finding an object by searching it's name, it's a pain in the ass trying to target a particular asteroid for capture when there are dozens of them
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