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Jack Mcslay

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Everything posted by Jack Mcslay

  1. I feel with how much scientists and engineers have improved over the updates I feel pilots have been getting underwhelming, often times made unnecessary with a probe around. Anyone have ideas to make them more useful? One I had earlier is to allow pilots to control nearby objects: you put a pilot in a ship with a relay-capable antenna, and anything that is near enough to have a comms signal to that ship but not to KSC can be controlled by the pilot like it was connected to KSC, with pilot level determining the minimal signal strength required for control. This would also incentivize motherships
  2. There's some things I find particularly annoying about maneuver nodes that should be pretty easy to fix The game should remember what points in the maneuver node you've clicked. Often times when playing around maneuver nodes you end up intersecting a body you don't want or getting too far for an encounter so apoapsis, ascending/nodes, intersections, nearest encounters often times disappear and when you fix it they're no longer highlighted so I need to right click them over and over again. Show entering SOI point of parenting body. When doing 3-star training missions I need to be guessing where the ship will be when leaving kerbin's SOI by trial and error until I find a point that says it's less than a year away. Proritize orbit of current body. If you've done many rescue missions in low kerbin orbit you probably have a whole bunch of stuff around there, that makes it pretty annoying to operate a ship as you try to add a maneuver node and instead it shows the dialog to switch to another object
  3. Since KSP2 includes both present and near future tech I think it would be a pretty cool thing to have in the game
  4. Some time ago I tried to see if I could land a rocket on a launchpad on minmus with a docking port on the middle of the launch pad for refueling. Result: the entire base flipped over. Here's hoping this new update will make it possible with the ground anchor
  5. I think 'PC' includes macs as well. KSP2 uses Unity as far as I know, I don't see why they wouldn't contemplate other PC OSes.
  6. I think you're far overblowing the resources needed to port the game to consoles. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to port a game from one platform to the other in Unity - mostly you're setting the graphics to what runs best and adapting the user interfaces and control scheme to the goal platform. If anything having a console version would help because they'll have decent implementation for game controllers opposed to what we have in KSP1 that seems right out of a 90's first person shooter. Even if they're doing multithreading optimization, doing so is far more effective in consoles where you know exactly what is the core layout of the CPU and what processes run in the background, as opposed to a PC that can have a wide array of core count and an unpredictable amount of processes running in the background, specially in windows which loves to run a ton of unnecessary stuff in the background that hog the CPU.
  7. I would find it pretty useful, much less frustration from trial and error trying to get a plane to generate enough lift
  8. Don't you realize you've just pointed out the problem with a lack of console ports? Even if half of console owners buy the PC version in the absence of console versions (which to me sounds extremely optimistic, I doubt it would even be 10%) that means they've lost the revenue for the other half that would have bought the console version but aren't interested in playing it on PC, which means less revenue to fund the developing of further updates to the PC version. Besides PC has about the same technical limitations if not more. They need to support old PCs much the same as they do the current userbase of older consoles.
  9. People who would play it on consoles are very unlikely to play it on PC instead. Not everyone has a competent PC that can run KSP2 smoothly, in fact I don't think most do considering the majority of PC sales on the past few years have been laptops. Not having a console version means less revenue, not revenue that would be converted to PC sales, specially considering they're making KSP2 more newbie friendly for children to play who are more likely to have a modern console but not a decent gaming PC.
  10. Chances are very big someone will create mods to backport KSP2 planets into KSP1 tho
  11. X1 has 8GB of ram with a higher bandwidth than dual-channel DDR4-3200, which according to Steam's statistics is better than nearly 40% current gamers' PCs. Unless the devs want to exclude around 40% of their potential customer base then they would have to have a game that could run on it anyway.
  12. I make it like this: RA-100: Solar orbits only. Their large size makes it hard to launch more than one satellite at a time, so I send a few of them between the orbits of Jool and Dres and others between Moho and Eve RA-15: Connects to other planets via the aforementioned RA-100 array. I can easily send multiple satellites in one launch by putting them into MK3 cargo bays. Also recommended for a Jool comms array. RA-2: Comm array for medium-sized planets and large moons. You can easily stuff a entire array worth of satellites in a single fairing or large MK3 cargo bay, launching a whole comms array in one go. HG-5: Comms array for small moons. Stuff a bunch of them in storage units and build satellites on location.
  13. Considering the statistics on Steam, a lot of PC gamers don't seem to have a PC a whole lot better than an X1 or PS4. If it runs trash on consoles it's going to run trash on a lot of PCs too.
  14. We all know KSP isn't meant to be a hard simulator, but I'm hoping that lower atmosphere is more punishing and wing spam is ineffective. Like, this thing should have crashed into the ocean, and even if it didn't, the drag by picking up speed at sea level should have torn it apart
  15. I think you should be required to do every route before that same route can be automated, including transferring from body to body with high orbital eccentricity, although It could be made an exception for rovers at low speeds (<10m/s) A moving moho base which you order to be constantly in the light by slowly circumnavigating it would be neat.
  16. How do you know the convert-o-tron is still a 2.5m part and there isn't a 1.8m reaction wheel?
  17. I suspect those will only be accessible via shipyards stablished on other celestial bodies, not the VAB
  18. Apparently 0.625m = X Small 1.25m = Small 1.8m = Medium 2.5m = Large 3.7m = X Large 5.0m = XX Large And a new XXX Large size apparently, I would guess 7m
  19. Happens all the time with me. I have not had a single contract to install part or moving rover work properly so for, although repair contracts have all worked fine
  20. CPU was extremely relevant in PS2 and PS3, it required a good expertise in programming in order to better optimize the game. The difference between X-Box and Windows are small, that was the idea for the XBox from the beginning, to have a console that could easily bring PC developers, the 'X' comes from that it uses a DirectX API. Playstation is n the same ballpark with Linux, as it's largely base in implementations of open source APIs with their proprietary extensions. It is far easier to port a Windows game to X-Box than porting that same game to a Mac. Squad can keep releasing their multiple versions simultaneously only because the Unity engine does the porting for them.
  21. Not really, PS4 and X1 are basically gaming PCs already, their CPUs and GPUs are only slightly different than what's in a desktop computer. The difference is that console manufacturers are much more strict in what software is allowed, and KSP isn't exactly the most stable game out there. They need to do extensive testing to make sure the update won't be likely to cause the game to crash, freeze or do a soft lock or Microsoft and Sony will bite them in the ass.
  22. Although an easy trick to work with subassemblies in KSP1 is to set a new root, remove the rest of the craft, and put the rest of the craft back when I'm done. But it's nice to see they're adding a dedicated feature, a little less hassle to contend with. Being aboe to switch to an orthographic view is great too.
  23. All I want is the ability to tell probes to report and transmit a given science experiment repeatedly unattended so that we don't have to watch polar satellites doing repeated polar orbits until it gets above the spot you want.
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