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Le Lynx

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Everything posted by Le Lynx

  1. It's a very, very, very bad sugestion. PS: for the health of jebediah
  2. Nop. @Miguelsgamingch is connectected?
  3. Je suis sous Linux. Kirkirkirkkirk. A fan of Star Trek.
  4. Yes, it's right. 7/10. I see you in forum games.
  5. No, I'm back! @Starhelperdude is here?
  6. Yes, I'm connected and here. I bet for @NutellaSandwich.
  7. And... YES. It's me. @Delta dart is here?
  8. Okay, but Can someone explain to me how the KAL-1000 works, please?
  9. No, it's me. @Popestaris connected, no?
  10. No, it'me too. I'm sure@NutellaSandwich will answer, no?
  11. No, it's me.... @NutellaSandwich is there?
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