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Le Lynx

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Everything posted by Le Lynx

  1. But thhay are no 1.13... I hope will to be thhis in KSP2.
  2. Will be really cool to add a new building to the KSC, the museum. When you make a great achievement, a new thing appear in the museum, wich describe the mission, the vessel, ect... And maybe, in the Astronaut Complex, when you engage a kerbal, they are a little biography of the kerbonaut.
  3. The kerbals could live into sort of hobbit hole. I dream of live in a hobbit hole.
  4. Le Lynx


  5. Can I be rated for my europa rocket, then? It is a rank for one people, or one rank for one rocket?
  6. It's not just the French who are at fault, they are also the german stage and the italian fairing involved. But, this isn't the place to discut of this. If you want, i will to create a new post on the esa errors of managements.
  7. It is better if you put no fairing on the rocket.
  8. Build a shuttle mounted on the top of your rocket, like the ESA's Hermes. You must make this with the stock parts. You must put a image or a video in your post.
  9. 5/10 I see you a little everywhere.
  10. I have make Europa, Ariane 4, and Vostok. The link is the link to a playlist with all the video. Videos are in french.
  11. Very cool idea!
  12. 0/10 I have never seen you.
  13. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!* Guess who it is... In french: "J'aime me battre" "J'aime le bruit blanc de l'eau" "J'aime me beurrer la biscotte" OSS 117
  14. It is a good question. Me I make everytime kerbin orbit.
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