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  1. yhea this has been confirmed. but i dont think its against random people you have to make a server
  2. yhea but there is a lot of terrain scatter so it would have an impact on performance. i think it would be better if some planets had rougher terrain. i mean theres no cliffs every planet is basically a hard desert
  3. yhea sometimes the reflection and sun is just way to bright aswell. defenetly need this
  4. would be cool with like a srface scanner that you woulld have to travel a certain distance to scan everything. would add reasons to use a plane or a rover.
  5. simple planes really alreaddy have the best solution for procedural wings and i think ksp 2 should copy it
  6. you did research the entire teir one tree with every optionall tech which isnt really necesary. you should have invested it in more essential parts in the second tree. if you spent it better you could easily have gotten autonomous sampling which really speeds up science gains. and you also dont have to do missions. you can just send out science missions yourself. and also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feJoP4WVJp8&t=3697s (im guessing this is you) idk if you should complain about zero views when you uploaded 2(or 10 according to you) hours of gameplay with no commentary, sorry.
  7. im guessing its a refference to the april fools kapy space program so i gues you will have to find a statue with a capybara at the ksc. otherwhise i have no idea
  8. looking at the tech tree that we have seen in the teaser it actually looks like they are stepping down from realism. your main reasearch you have to unlock is rocket parts like fuel tanks and engines while you can optionally choose other things like electricity. that doesnt mean that there arent resources only found on certain planets. especially when they can just say that a planet just doesnt have that recource because its their fictional world made for a game to work
  9. Why not the Mun? There's probably an abundance of hydrogen and helium on its surface. because that is boring and excrementsty game design It's realistic, and real space ventures aren't established to hunt for arbitrary elements so I can't say I want to see KSP 2 making specific things exclusive to certain bodies. ksps proggression has never been about realism. ksp 2 also takes place in the future and the whole point of colonies is to hunt for arbitrary elements.
  10. Why not the Mun? There's probably an abundance of hydrogen and helium on its surface. because that is boring and excrementsty game design
  11. dude, your suggestion was a half hour of work not a project
  12. unless you have good suggestions why dont you wait untill its atleast a mont away
  13. its not really worthy of its own part in a trailer tho. but i do think they will add it when the updates now have become more contend adding than bugfixing
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