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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. Granted, but the thread got bonked for some reason I wish for a good gift today
  2. Banned for not remembering the oh llok nw pg Plus, I have a signature now so you can't ban me from that!
  3. Banned for not saying oh llok nw pg Self-ban for not saying oh llok nw pg
  4. Banned for using the default font for your signature
  5. Granted, the seat belt keeps you settled for... *oh how long?* 1010 years! No wish Just kidding, I wish for every Kerbal here to enjoy their Christmas
  6. Granted, but all of it burnt down. I wish for this thread to be more active
  7. Banned for having too much words that make no sense
  8. Wish not granted, sorry I wish for people here to listen to Life Beyond 3 soundtracks
  9. Granted, but everyone didn't like you. Back to being a normal member! I wish for a good lunch
  10. Now that I think of it, 9/10 for you!
  11. Yep, didn't see a floating scatter yet on Galaxies Unbound. Will let you know if something happens!
  12. Welcome to the family, @ShinkibaKaisoku! I'm Kerbal Productions, but just call me Keb. Nice to meet you! Enjoy the forum and enjoy the game!
  13. Granted, but the fish... is so exotic it might have been an alien. I wish for you to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  14. Granted, but you get -50x more. -10 x -50 is 500 so you don't get a negative integer money I wish StarCrusher96 comes here without being pinged, he needs a break from developing GU
  15. Granted, but nothing comes out of both sides. I still wish for a PC.
  16. Banned for stating someone's inaccuracy.
  17. 11/10 Often times I see you everywhere!
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