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Kerbal Productions

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Everything posted by Kerbal Productions

  1. Mines like... 1.25 tons only...! And also this is the 5th time I'm reloading KSP because the game dies on quickload
  2. Did some tests, the game didn't crash and I think I'm going to kill the whole system
  3. I'll have to load up my hard drive just to get a perfect boom try and try 'till it's perfect
  4. Wait there is hope... I've tested out this on a test probe and I got by 10 meters, didn't bother getting near haha. Now... I'll be going to redo the probe.
  5. I feel like giving up. Didymos won't let me go under 1000 meters, I've passed the system w/o managing to get near. This has been very hard. How will I even get to the asteroid... this feels impossible for me.
  6. There has gotta be something going on with Didymos... It crashes my game...
  7. Error shall persist or not and additionally I WOULD NEVER want to use ions again
  8. just might die That is what we don't know yet. To be safe, let's try stock. Quicksaves are available... you don't have to visually recover it... idk... This is not a freestyle challenge. It must be a replica of the DART spacecraft and possibly even the Falcon 9.
  9. Proceeds to not install any mods and just try to be a bit more badass @CoolRanchAJ KER and KAC allowed?
  10. You have to make a stock Falcon 9 that is possibly recoverable, and the DART spacecraft. As much as we all want a freestyle mission, this is not it. OH GOD I wanna scream! I have a question about these two mods that might be helpful. Can KAC and Kerbal Engineer Redux be used? Let me know immediately, I'm stoked doing this, tbh.
  11. Guess I'll have to redo everything since I have KAC
  12. I had to use KAC just to get a transfer window to Didymos just because the stock one bugged Is it illegal?
  13. Testing the landing. Don't think I'm very new to landing boosters. And note: Clipping engines must have been the worst feeling I ever had
  14. shhhh... you're exposing me jokes aside, LICIAcube might not be my priority right now because my whole craft is already a ton in weight.
  15. *intimidation + askin' myself if I can do better*
  16. I hope I'll be successful on this mission... I'm intimidated w/ the submissions ngl...
  17. I am in. This is kind of hard as I'll have to make this stock (ReStock included, but not with the plus, I'll be bonked out) But I'll... try... *internal fear*
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