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Everything posted by OrdinaryKerman

  1. Granted. The boombox is permanently sealed in a glass vacuum tube, so it doesn't make sound no matter where it is. I wish for cookies (not stale)
  2. The spaceman isn't here yet. Sorry for disturbing you @OrbitalManeuvers
  3. Hello There Kerbals greet and chat with each other when they meet. The sound library is so large you run out of drive space.
  4. Been really enjoying this mod (but with the balance changes suggested earlier in this thread) Two screenshots: (Sorry, forgot to turn on antialiasing)
  5. The physical diameters aren't exclusive to BDB, though BDB is the only one that defines them as bulkheadProfiles
  6. Granted, but their SOIs touch each other's cores and it's now impossible to do anything on them outside of the poles. I wish to have an infinite-lasting battery
  7. I'm not a part modder, but since the Squad circular sizes have their sizes in meters shown, here are the diameters of some of the other circular sizes (mostly taken from BDB): size00 = Size 00 (0.3125m) size000 = Size 000 (0.125m) size0p5 = Size 0.5 (0.9375m) size1p2 = Size1p2 (1.5m) size2p5 = Size 2.5 (3.125m) Am I intruding?
  8. You can post it as a mod on Spacedock, or share it on Google Drive or Dropbox, wherever you want
  9. Ideas for improvement? (I just wanted to know before actually making it) Kerbal shapes traced from this:
  10. Post of an unsuccessful thing (upper stage engine failed, didn't make it past 2 km altitude) Also post-process antialiasing from TUFX doesn't seem to work with Historian, so I might scrap it) Nope, he is definitely guilty of pinging Misguided_Kerbal Here.
  11. Nope. And where does 'tee hee' come from? @Clamp-o-Tron? (again, probably not)
  12. Yes, add this: normalTexture = <normal map name and location> under the suitTexture field Yes, opacity is used to contain the texture's specular values (shininess, kind of) but it's not actually needed. You can leave the whole texture fully opaque and it will just look a bit glossy in-game.
  13. Looks nice, good job! If I have one thing to say about improving it, it's that you can remove all the center engines and replace the Mk1 fuel fuselages with rocket fuel tanks to get something that has more than deorbit capability.
  14. Why are you using wings for heat shields? Are the wheels pointed dead-straight at the ground? Have you tried draining most of the ablator from the 'wing'? How much wing area does it have? Why no elevons?
  15. Powered by a Photon Corp. SRB-1, which is covered in orange fairing in a terrible attempt at making it look like a cardboard tube.
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