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Everything posted by OrdinaryKerman

  1. Nope defaultarialcomicsanscouriernewgeorgia(whichone)lucidasanstahomatimestrebuchetverdana What is the default font? Open Sans?
  2. I don't have any samples of ammonium with me. @Adam Kerman?
  3. Granted. Making History and Breaking Ground are now free, but the good stuff (robotics, the mission builder, propellers) is shifted to a third DLC, Making Ground, that costs the same as the base game. I wish for a new phone (but still keeping my old one)
  4. Granted, you get less schoolwork this week. The next week you get buried in assignments. I wish for a backup copy of my aerospike model. (See the "Let's make this the Megathread!" thread to see what I'm talking about)
  5. Or it could just be an emissive animation triggered by the brake action (2 seconds of nothing then glow). Actually the stock retractable landing gears already do that to some extent with their little brake indicators on the back.
  6. Copy-pasting is easy, and the nozzle shape was pretty simple, it didn't really take that much time or effort
  7. Granted. It is now better, but completely unrecognizable as Star Wars. Granted. There is now infinite chemical potential energy in your body, and you explode taking out the universe with you.
  8. Maybe B9 Modular Wings? (not Procedural Wings)
  9. I didn't, I just modeled it that way, the internals aren't actually symmetrical (the LOX turbine is was bigger than LF for example) Also the 24-radial symmetry of the combustion chambers is made by making one, duplicating it 24 times, and rotating each into position manually. I'm sure there's a better way to do that but I am not really experienced enough in Blender.
  10. At least I got these renders of it before the thing happened: (Bare) (Shrouded)
  11. Never mind, I can just start again It's the UV unwrapping that's really a pain, not the modelling
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