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Everything posted by FUN2291

  1. https://imgur.com/a/hVZA2Ab Well... That was a rookie mistake. CROSSFEED WAS DISABLED. But thank you for your time anyway.
  2. KSP: 1.8.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2019.2.2f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit ClickThroughBlocker - Toolbar - ToolbarControl - Advanced Jet Engine - 2.15 B9 Part Switch - 2.14 Community Resource Pack - 1.4.1 AdvancedTextures - 1.8.1 Deadly Reentry - 7.8 Ferram Aerospace Research - FMRS (Flight Manager For Reusable Stages) - FShangarExtender - 3.6 RasterPropMonitor - 0.31.4 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.5.1 KerbalKonstructs - Kerbal Reusability Expansion - 2.8.6 Kopernicus - KSC Extended - 2.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.7 NearFutureSolar - 1.2.3 Persistent Rotation - 1.8.7 Procedural Fairings - 1.8.3 RealChute - 1.4.8 RealFuels - 12.8.5 Real Heat - 5.1 RealismOverhaul - 12.8.1 RealSolarSystem - 18.1.3 Recovery Controller - 0.0.4 RetractableLiftingSurface - SolverEngines - 3.7.5 Trajectories - 2.3.4 Tundra Space Center - 2.0.1 ZeroMiniAVC - working on the pics now i forgot to add b9 wings like i had before i just did it
  3. The staging area of the editor doesn't even show 0 m/s, it shows nothing at all for DeltaV. And the engines won't fire on the pad either. PLAZ HALP.
  4. Yes, I do. RO/RSS/RP1 and their dependencies, I got on CKAN. I have some SpaceX mods that I downloaded online. Well that's really weird. None of my SpaceX mods are in the gamedata folder. But retractable lifting surfaces is, that was a dependency for one of the SpaceX mods. I just deleted it, trying now.
  5. plaese i need to get this done so that i can make a falcon 9 kos thing for my computer science class it due in two days
  6. its not a log its the picture where would i upload it
  7. KSP is stuck on Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngine/jetEngineAfterburning/turbojet. PLAZ HALP!!!!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JjIxf_wpV3Tn_-JioVCubsDXuSY7Nnn_PRA0kh2059E/
  8. ckan doesnt show all of the mods so i dont know
  9. Well maybe this will help me. This is the same problem I have. It turns out that i didn't fix it. I am a little bit confused about why you didn't ask this last time. I am not using ckan for this-didn't know you could, I tried. Yea, just checked, it's not in ckan.
  10. I had to change the overall ksp version to 1.8.1 so I could get ro. Then I reinstalled everything and tried it and it worked. Thank you very much for your time and effort.
  11. im not getting the parts. only parts like the f9 demo tank and the spacex demo engine
  12. Thank you. I'll try it and let you know. Will this install everything I need, or just the falcon mod? Thanks again.
  13. Hey, I have a question about compatibility. Does this mod work with ro/rss? If so, what version of ksp. Thank you.
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