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Everything posted by InfernoSD

  1. When objects get stuck to my cursor I can usually fix it by opening the settings, switching controls to Cursor mode, and leaving settings. Then I go back into settings and pick Radial mode again. This drops the object or part. I believe the cause of this glitch is robotic parts, especially the smallest servo.
  2. Most wheels have springs to soften impacts. However the default settings on the springs are often less than ideal, especially if you're travelling from the surface of one planet to another. You can manually adjust the spring settings for the wheel in the Part Action Window, only if you've already enabled Advanced Tweakables in the settings.
  3. This is more of a suggestion than a bug, but I agree. Holding L1 is supposed to slow the cursor down for fine control, but it often doesn't slow down enough for the precise things I want to do. For example trying to offset a part to line up with another part within a few centimeters is an exercise of going back and forth repeatedly until I get lucky. Trying to adjust a manuever by an amount of less than 0.1 m/s is the same situation. I can find ways to adjust the throttle or use RCS for very precise manuevers, but the manuever node itself is very hard to control at that precision. Manuevers also have a weird inconsistency in the controls, where the axes for prograde and normal have no deadzone, but the axis for radial in has a huge deadzone.
  4. This happens to me too. Some times the vessel explodes in part or in totality, other times certain parts get extremely hot but survive. The latter is how you know it's a heat problem. I find that it helps to turn down the time warp gradually, and also to take cool-down breaks partway through.
  5. Yes, the periapsis may be very close once you're in the Mun's SOI, but the conic prior to that is pretty far from the Mun's orbit. That's all I mean. That's how it's been everytime this flickering glitch has happened to me.
  6. I think you're supposed to make an account on the bug tracker to submit anything there. I've been experiencing the same bug since one of the last couple updates. I believe it only occurs when you're aimed for the very edge of a body's sphere of influence, and additionally it occurs with more regularity when the encounter is further out into the future. Just time warping closer to the encounter date can make it stop.
  7. Revert is buggy on console since the game tries to autosave at the same time. I always make manual saves for this reason.
  8. The tricky thing about this achievement is that the vessel probably has to be classified by the game as a Probe, as opposed to a Ship or Relay or other type. Look for the option on the probe core part action window to Rename Vessel. There you can reclassify it to a Probe which should trigger the achievement. This should trigger as soon as you go EVA. Are other achievements unlocking for you? These two will have many more opportunities to be triggered as you play, so I wouldn't worry about them too much.
  9. Sounds like you did fine up until here. Make sure you're using the navball to burn in the right direction. Generally speaking, you want to keep the prograde marker at or above the horizon, so aim your rocket above the horizon if you start falling. If you're having control issues in space, consider using one of the following to allow you to steer: engines with gimbal, reaction wheels, or Vernor engines with RCS turned on. Fins will only help inside the atmosphere. Use them if you're tipping over before 20000m. When you do, use a lot of them.
  10. No, it doesn't seem to be in console, along with a lot of other options. It would probably hurt performance. I manage by creating an extra manuever out into the future where I'm expecting to see the next encounter.
  11. I suspect it will be, or nearly so. Hiring an outside company to port your game to other platforms is a bandaid solution to the problem of designing your game for only one platform to begin with. KSP2, under Take Two's brand, has every reason to target all platforms from the beginning. I don't work in the business, but I imagine it becomes quite expensive and difficult to maintain multiple unique versions of a game under separate development teams with different release schedules and update histories and so on. It's almost certainly better to have Intercept handle all platforms themselves.
  12. It's hard to make a wiki for a game that isn't released yet. We could start some pages for things like new planets and ship parts with a few pictures. However someone should make the decision on how the wiki will be organized for KSP2 before any significant work is done. Will concepts like Kerbin or the MK1 Pod get a separate page for each game, or will they be on the same page split halfway, or will a second wiki be started just for KSP2? Anyway I think this thread will be a great resource for anyone trying to get up to speed on what we know so far. If you try to Google for "what we know about KSP2", you'll get outdated reddit posts, short articles from news outlets, and an outdated video from Scott Manley. This thread already beats them all by a mile.
  13. I set out to build a modular lander that would be useful for many different locations, thinking maybe I could use it on a grand tour contract in the future. It's an efficient little thing with one Nerv engine and ISRU capabilities. I got the whole thing to fit inside a 2.5m footprint with no significant clipping. So far I've landed and launched from a few different bodies including Duna. With good planning it can get around with no additional vehicles involved. However, I couldn't find a path from Gilly to Moho for only 3600 dV, so I had to dock some fuel tanks for that trip. That's weird, I'm sure Bill was walking around here a moment ago.
  14. How about a planet with giant pits in the surface going through to the core? I can't speak to how realistic that would be, but it would be fun to fly in.
  15. I imagine it has to do with the volatility of speeds below 1 m/s. If you rendezvous with something, rotating with RCS thrusters can send your prograde marker flying. It could even lead to a feeback loop where your vessel never actually reaches the prograde marker. Or if you land on a moon, you don't want SAS to continue targeting retrograde when your landing struts bounce you slightly upward. I think taking this control away from the player is a bad idea personally. For the same reason, the prograde and retrograde and manuever markers disappear at below 0.1 m/s, even though it would be desirable to still see them.
  16. I can't believe this bug still hasn't been fixed. The game tracks whether or not you currently have the "More Info" window open on the part selector at the left side of the screen. It continues tracking this even for parts that don't have a "More Info" window and even while you're not even focused on the part selector. While this window is open, some of your camera controls switch to scrolling the window up and down. Or at least they sometimes do. The game is very finnicky about whether you can scroll that window or not. Anyway, the solution is to return to the part selector, choose any part with a "More Info" window, and press Square to hide the window. Camera controls will instantly return.
  17. The one other thing with the Mobile Processing Lab is that it doesn't send back science automatically. You have to manually take control of the vessel and hit transmit. There's a maximum capacity for science, so it eventually stops sciencing until you hit transmit. You'll also want an appropriate antenna to transmit with and a few batteries for the massive amount of electricity that will take. Of course the lab itself also consumes electricity over time, so bring some solar panels.
  18. Here's a source for Nate Simpson describing something that sounds like life support without wanting to actually use the word life support: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/187606-some-more-ksp2-footage/page/2/&tab=comments#comment-3660173 And here's Nate Simpson briefly confirming automated flights. He adds that resource collection e.g. mining missions can also be automated. I wonder how that would work with asteroids. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/187318-hopes-and-wishes-for-ksp-2/page/37/&tab=comments#comment-3812496
  19. The most noteworthy thing about this bug is that it occurs even after reverting to VAB. To me that suggests it's happening during the save/load process, as if specific parts are not having their position or alignment recorded correctly in the vehicle file. Does the same bug appear if you simply save and load your vehicle? I played around for a while but couldn't replicate this same problem. Here is the reason I fussed about structural panels. These two objects are considered mirror symmetrical. This is not the same problem you're facing, since you're not using symmetry. However, it does demonstrate the messy way in which the game treats structural panel rotation and snap points. That could tie into other problems including the one you're facing.
  20. Yes. Any kerbal in the vessel will give you full control, although engineers and scientists cannot do SAS. This means you have to keep the rocket pointed the right direction on your own. However, the combined force of a non-pilot kerbal and a probe core does give you access to the probe core's SAS capabilities, even outside of antenna range.
  21. Excuse me for not reading this whole topic and prior discussions, but the idea of a big server with many individual players running their own space programs simultaneously seems ludicrous to me. How do you solve the problem of time warp? Maybe you can come up with some kind of warp-by-consensus system. Time warp only occurs once everyone agrees to it. This would be dreadful for obvious reasons. Perhaps a five day time warp takes place on the hour every hour. Thus you have around 55 minutes to perform launches and manuevers before getting back into a stable orbit or landed position. This would be a real bummer if you got caught by the time warp while you're in the middle of flying a plane or something, but any such problem could be planned around. Presumably any manuevers you had arranged for orbital burns during the five day warp would be executed automatically by whatever automation the game will include. Even with all this, you would have to waste enormous amounts of time waiting, especially if you make a trip to some of the more distant planets. Maybe you create a separate instance of the universe for each player. Everyone controls time warp for themselves, therefore everyone sees the planets in a different alignment. This allows you to have full control over things like quicksaves and the revert button. In spite of this, other player's creations still appear if they're in a stable orbit or landed on a planet. Anything currently moving or travelling to another SOI turns into a ghost vessel that cannot be interacted with. It's all nonsense however you do it. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm excited for multiplayer in whatever form it takes.
  22. If you're serious, it's not as complicated as it looks. Manuever nodes use the same six symbols that are on the navwheel, which are also the same six symbols that SAS can point to. The pink ones are up/down arrows which indicate burning in an upward or downward direction, usually. The blue ones are radial in and radial out which indicate burning toward or away from the planet, usually. You already know the yellow ones are prograde and retrograde. With all six combined you can plot three dimensional movement. Transfer windows are simply the ideal time to make a planetary transfer, which is mostly dependent on the angle between you, the sun, and the planet you're wanting to visit. This is complicated enough to calculate that everyone just uses a mod or online tool, or they figure the angle out once and write it down for next time.
  23. The time warp thing is an annoyance. The non-spherical nature of Gilly makes it a really bad fit for the time-warp stopper, as you call it. But at least you can burn through it with a little fuel The map view problem is a real nuisance, though. I don't see any reason for it to be like it is. Things parked on the surface of Gilly look like they're floating in map view. Even on much larger planets, the difference between an object on the surface and the surface itself is sometimes apparent.
  24. Struts won't do anything in this case. Only guessing, but your problem probably has to do with the structural panels. Those panels do weird things when you use symmetry on them. If it's not too much trouble, try removing things from symmetry, or try putting it all together without using symmetry.
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