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Sky Kerman

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Everything posted by Sky Kerman

  1. How do I get encounters with planets? The menuver maker is saying things like the maneuver for windswept is is 9 years! Also everyother planet encounters are in 3/4 years.
  2. My atmos are all blue for some reason? All I have all the dependencies and stuff so I dont understand. It works for Alpha Centuri (Link to files) https://imgur.com/X8NGVLi This planet and other ones in alpha centuri work https://imgur.com/S3cvAdS The ones past alpha centuri dont https://imgur.com/undefined Trall and Blud https://imgur.com/TepcJyu How do I fix this?
  3. Is there a home switch mode that puts the KSC on Echo?
  4. I got it to work but for some reason all the atmos are blue. The clouds and stuff are fine, but other then that all of them are blue I used the recommended scatter and EVE it still makes it blue. This is the thing I get it from https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey How to install Galaxies Unbound: Visuals → When using visual mods, no need to worry! GU is now able to enable visuals on its own. Just download Eve-Redux/Eve and/-or Scatterer.
  5. How do you guys install your systems? Sometimes I start with e the alien worlds pack then go up from there. But right as I install Alpha Centuri it breaks the game. And other times I start with Alpha centuri and then when I install Tau Ceti it breaks. What is a good order or how can I fix this?
  6. If I installed Nova Kerbani (GU) would the Nova Kerbani from KSSGU replace it or ad it as a different star?
  7. Im making a supermoded save and it would be cool to have a another kerbin to go to.
  8. How do you make a planet pack with Kopernicus with ksp 1.12? I’ve always wanted to make a planet pack i and I thing space engine will help me start.
  9. I need a mod that just changes what type of star it is with out changing the system around it. It could be a black hole, bianary or just a different star.
  10. My most visited is Pol, and my least visited is Tylo
  11. Uh so i'm on KSP 1.12.3 and most of the star systems work fine, but once I add Tau Ceti and any system after that, it crashes when its done loading. No visual mods are installed and it has all its dependencys why is it doing this? Also when I do ad visual mods all the atmospheres are blue. Link https://imgur.com/BRarQlc
  12. I fixed the problem, but I have a question. Where are the other systems that where in the trailer? Like the planet with the big rings, and that proto-star?
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