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Wizard Kerbal

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Everything posted by Wizard Kerbal

  1. The shuttle just flung itself away, and i'm giving myself 5 minutes to dock or i'm quitting.
  2. 2 sheilded docking ports. THEY'RE LITERALLY INSIDE EACH-OTHER! I CAN'T MOVE MY SHUTTLE AWAY, I CAN'T MOVE MY STATION AWAY, YET, THEY'RE 2 SEPARATE VESSELS WHAT THE HECK It says the distance is 3 meters, and the relative velocity is .2 meters a second, and the Nav-ball target alignment isn't pointing at the target. Since i'm on Xbox, I can't adjust Up/Down Left/Right and Pitch/Yaw at the same time. It's so frustrating. The kraken them self doesn't want them to be docked. Variables that could be responsible: High part counts The shuttle is 1/4 the mass of the space station They're 2 shielded docking ports, even though it worked fine earlier. THE BUG: Docking Ports sometimes just- won't dock. They'll clip inside each-other before they dock. And then, it can fling crafts of up to 50 ton away at 3 m/s. SOLUTION: Quicksaves.
  3. I really like shuttles. They're really fun to fly, and I love re-entering with space planes. BUT! I don't like having to clip to rudders together to get that airbrake. ANd on all my mark 3 space planes, I use that air brake technique even though it induces Z-fighting. In KSP 2, or even an update in KSP 1, can we add air-brakes to it? It would be a really nice feature, even though it's a small one!
  4. It’s not that I don’t want a ton of visual mods, kerbal engineer redux and all these other mods, it’s that i’m on a console.
  5. For some reason, listening to terrier engines burning makes my blood boil. I use them for my 95-ton space shuttle’s OMS, and I HATED listening to them for my 2 1/2 minute burn.
  6. So, I made a full-scale starship, working body fins and all, but it's wonky. 1. The top fins have to be extended to belly flop. 2. They must be retracted to right itself. 3. There are several explosions as it loads in, but it's just the sound.
  7. Because i’m the way I am, i’ll give you all of the information. Altitude: 1,548 meters above the surface. Speed: 217.1 m/s Fuel: 1,101 m/s left. More than enough to land and get back to LMO.
  8. I’m in the middle of my landing on Mun, when my alarm goes off. I wanna pay attention, but I wanna land, but I wanna pay attention...
  9. I was doing an abort test, making sure my capsule could escape my rocket. Success! I reload a quicksave, expecting one mainsail and a few bobcats engines at low thrust. But no, I loaded the wrong quicksave and got 18 vectors at full throttle during a space station launch. My ears.
  10. When I was building my shuttle, I noticed something. The NERVA and the Terrier engine have the same thrust(60kn in vac). I immediately thought, “What other lies have I been told by the council?” But they aren’t wrong. The NERVA weighs three tons, compared to the terrier’s 0.5. And their fuel tanks are the same mass, so that doesn’t effect anything. And the main reason people use the Terrier over the Nerva/Nerva over the terrier - efficiency and thrust. I and Matt Lowne’s Gilly tutorial thought the Terrier had higher TWR. Not necessarily wrong, but just a bit. And considering you need less fuel tanks for a NERVA, it might have been beneficial to use it in that case. But, because of it’s effiency, it’s still best for interplanetary tugs that need high deltaV, or short range interplanetary tugs with really heavy payloads, like eve ships.
  12. Ok. So, you have to put the white nose cone on the tank, then turn the console off and on again, then on the tank you can select the orange variant.
  13. I’m making a shuttle replica, and I go to put the nose cone on it. But there isn’t an orange variant. Is this a bug? Is there a workaround?
  14. I’m docking my space shuttle Atlantis to a space station, and Atlantis just starts wiggling out of control. Trying to regain control was fruitless, and it eventually ran out of monoprop. I just returned home.
  15. “Direct ascent vehicles require a 60% bigger rocket” My KSP direct and indirect Mun missions which use the same launch vehicle,(The Vandenburg M) and detach at the same time: UHHHHHHH
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