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Wizard Kerbal

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Everything posted by Wizard Kerbal

  1. Do youw wqhdpidru fhhaio ?????? When you swallow the mouthwash but you're an astronaut but you're a kerbonaut
  2. I hate the "Reaction Limit" But yeah, I went to Rhode Island from the Southwest US, and algae everywhere is an understatement. BTW the air is so DRY down here. We land, exit, and I go to breath in the, "fresh" air, and choke.
  3. I don't like that I have to manually bring my scientist out to reset experiments, so here's an improvement that could be made. The player clicks, "Reset" on either of them, and a check is made to see if a scientist is on the vessel. If yes, the experiment is restored. If no, a message pops up saying, "No scientist onboard" and the experiment doesn't do anything.
  4. You can't not like Ike. But I like My Tereshkova Asteroid station as well.
  5. Over- Throttle- Uhhhh, Overthrust? Uhm... Well, whatever it is, the console KSP developers nuked the problem, removing thrust limiters from all action groups.
  6. Granted. Now your arm’s bone structure is fundamentally wrong. I wish JB182 would speak normally.
  7. Add me to the gang! BTW, 3rd post on 341. Wait. We still have about 166.8x 6.7x less posts than, what did you do in KSP today?
  8. YEET! I don’t know any original comments. Still don’t Not even now. How about now? Nope. Emoji Spam? Nah. Ah! Now! There once was a Jeb. He died. The end
  9. You can’t not like Ike! Ooh, but I have Tereshkova station on an asteroid as well-
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