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    Duna, propably

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  1. yes bruh, i have 4gb ram and it doesn't lag at all even with 30 mods
  2. Hello, as you see in this image all starship parts appear black, is there a way to fix this?
  3. Why is it that my starship creates lift when i try to bellyflop and works like an airplane? Is there a way to fix that?
  4. @StarCrusher96 finally visited this site and remembered giving you access sorry for waiting 2 days lol
  5. this is kopernicus logs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C7QYFuNxvzi4yVLeLSiun_ObGMiQlIFt/view?usp=sharing and this is ksp logs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LlsxxKvxnOMtDIBOBhogqB7ws7XA6-H2/view?usp=sharing and this is gamedata screenshot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DNqvdjkc6bxVEqcLRzWEbwToOt5ZjpiR/view?usp=sharing (i put it on google drive cz idk how to move it to the chat thingy)
  6. I reinstalled ksp and installed everything correctly and while ModuleManager is loading everything correctly ksp crashes on startup is there something i can do to fix it? because if i remove ModuleManage GU doesnt load up.
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kS4BAnZnrmR0eGaZB8YWIBZuscSs72Oo/view?usp=sharing alright
  8. file:///C:/Users/Furnace3dGaming/OneDrive/%CE%A5%CF%80%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%AE%CF%82/Logs.zip also is the fresh ksp version important because i installed it on a used one
  9. i installed kopernicus with the latest version of GU but when i zoom out in tracking station only the kerbol system exists nothing else (installed using kspModAdmin)
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