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  1. An idea came to me, can we have a switch variant for MEK landing legs that can fit into the recovery bay on the Energia first stage? like a different folding animation.
  2. Not have KSP installed but still think of Tantares in real life all day...
  3. 3...3MV?! btw, is there a solution for 1.5m diameter fairing? This is among issues which rescale could not solve
  4. Procedual Tank However I can only create a standard liquid fuel + Oxidizer tank with it, not a Hydrogen one, so the Delta V of it is just not ideal.
  5. Procedural Parts the only short coming of this is its cost the custom fuel tank costs 30000, approaching the cost for a Soyuz launch
  6. A parachute with soft-landing rocket http://buran.ru/images/jpg/cliper05.jpg Parom space tug help orbital maneuver of Kliper MAKS
  7. Can we have SMERCH? It's a large LH2/LOX upper stage/space tug at first time as a modern replacement of Blok V for N1. Later it become a upper stage/interplanetary transfer stage for possible Lunar or Mars mission for Energia/Vulkan. It would be similar to the existing N1 Blok V except it uses Tantares LH2 and having a Hydrogen vacuum engine , RD-57
  8. Can we give NK-33 a shrouded variant and have a sea-level RD-120 for Soyuz 2-3 ? It would be a small tweak yet give possibility to many heavy payloads on basic Soyuz design. Like Kliper and Parom or Progress M2 Glory to the advanced soyuz LV!
  9. I'm using JNSQ(2.7x Kerbin) and I am having trouble with reentry of VA. In theory the 2000k heat resistance of the capsule is enough for JNSQ atmosphere (which is 85000km, with minimum orbit velocity of 3850m/s). And I tested the Making history Gemini which has a similar design with VA, and it just can survive the reentry. Finally, I find that VA heat shield is not insulating the heat as good as stock ones. Is it intended?
  10. In the case that I only need the soyuz part of this mod, so the category (I mean the tiny plus button in the corner of each part) doesn't seen really helpful. How can I disable it? etc. the elevator in full slider just exceed the top of the service towel of soyuz.
  11. Can we have these sphere stack back? It think this just can't be a better definition for Soviet/Russian style engineering. Multiple spheres stack in absurd geometric position. We can just restore the old vega space station fuel sphere or make this looking a B9 part switch variant.
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