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Jason Kerman

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  1. This is caused by a KSP bug and can be fixed by KSPCF. I tested it recently and it works fine on my side. I'm not sure what caused your crash with both mods installed, but I would suggest to try with a clean installation (without other mods) and install them using CKAN.
  2. Release v1.1.8 Installtion Guide Install Kcalbeloh System If you have an older version of the Kcalbeloh System installed, please completely delete it before proceeding with the new version. Download from one of the sources: GitHub 腾讯微云 (for Chinese players) Download Kcalbeloh-System-(v1.x.x).zip. Choose ONE of them to download: Kcalbeloh-Textures-4k.zip: Regular-res textures. Kcalbeloh-Textures-8k.zip: High-res textures, NOT recommended if your RAM is no more than 16 GB. Extract the zip files and put all the folders in /GameData (000_NiakoUtils, 001_DuckweedUtils, KcalbelohSystem, KcalbelohTextures, and KopernicusExpansion) to your [KSP installation folder]/GameData/ folder. Do NOT download KcalbelohExtras.zip unless you know what it is used for. Install Dependencies Kopernicus: for creating custom celestial bodies. Singularity: for blackhole and wormhole shaders. KSPCommunityFixes: for bug fixes. Install Visuals The planet pack works fine without visual mods, but it will lose a large part of its aesthetic. EVE Redux: for clouds, dust storms, and auroras. Scatterer: for realistic atmosphere, oceans, and sun flares. Changes since v1.1.7 Added support for KSRSS (requires SigmaDimensions). The scale of the system follows KSRSS settings. Added VertexColorMapEmissive as the new dependency. Emissivity of lava is revamped using the new emissive mod. Adjusted 2.5x rescale to 2.56x. Changed rotation speed of Uleg to 2:1 spin-orbit resonance. Other minor changes and fixes.
  3. I wouldn't say I'm already done but I don't plan to add any new celestial bodies, since the current system is tested stable with Principia, adding any new bodies can potentially break the stability. I'm still actively developing this mod, mainly for maintenance and improved features. Thank you for your information! I will include the fix in the next update (coming in two or three days). Let me know if there is any issue with the new release.
  4. Unfortunately no since I'm not good at modeling. Can you show some screen shots? Would you mind sending it to me on github or discord? I can include it in future updates if you want.
  5. I made some modifications to singularity and implemented the Doppler effect on the accretion disk. This is how it looks now: You can find the test release in my fork of Singularity: https://github.com/jcyuan06/Singularity/releases Feel free to play with it and let me know if you find any issues or performance impact.
  6. Hi everyone! I made some modifications to this amazing mod and implemented the Doppler effect on the accretion disk. This is how it looks now (tested with my planet mod): You can find the test release in my fork: https://github.com/jcyuan06/Singularity/releases Feel free to play with it and let me know if you find any issues or performance impact.
  7. Thank you for pointing it out! There are some visual bugs reported on Mac/Linux but I'm not sure whether it's related to this. I'm going to change it to uppercase anyway and see whether it helps. I recommend using a mod called Transfer Window Planner to calculate it in game.
  8. Release v1.1.7 Installtion Guide Install Kcalbeloh System If you have an older version of the Kcalbeloh System installed, please completely delete it before proceeding with the new version. Download from one of the sources: GitHub 腾讯微云 (for Chinese players) Download Kcalbeloh-System-(v1.x.x).zip. Choose ONE of them to download: Kcalbeloh-Textures-4k.zip: Regular-res textures. Kcalbeloh-Textures-8k.zip: High-res textures, NOT recommended if your RAM is no more than 16 GB. Extract the zip files and put all the folders in /GameData (000_NiakoUtils, KcalbelohSystem, KcalbelohTextures, and KopernicusExpansion) to your [KSP installation folder]/GameData/ folder. Do NOT download KcalbelohExtras.zip unless you know what it is used for. Install Dependencies Kopernicus: for creating custom celestial bodies. Singularity: for blackhole and wormhole shaders. KSPCommunityFixes: for bug fixes. Install Visuals The planet pack works fine without visual mods, but it will lose a large part of its aesthetic. EVE Redux: for clouds, dust storms, and auroras. Scatterer: for realistic atmosphere, oceans, and sun flares. Changes since v1.1.6 Fixed a visual bug.
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