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  1. When trying to build with the parts in the VAB (specifically the big solar arrays, standalone and dual), the title only says DEPRECATED PART and the part has no texture, does anybody know why that is? (P.S. i know that these may be the old parts, however the new ones do not shop up at all)
  2. So i tried to do a little research by myself and the weird thing is, that when i load in the game whatsoever, despite the fatal error, this message is shown when trying to load the gojira mk 4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qus8y03j7ju3isg/Screenshot (26).png?dl=0 .....This is weird, because named files can be found, so they are actually there. best regards.
  3. KSP: 1.11.1 Windows 64bit Problem: P9Partswitch states "fatal error" after downloading tundra exploration mod Mods installed: P9 Partswitch versin 2.17.0 Tundra exploration version 3.3 Other mods that i dont think are related, but downloaded: every mod most new version https://www.dropbox.com/s/dnawasawc87fbsr/Unbenannt.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypodpuif39d42qm/Unbenannt1.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/feqizthpyjwrg0g/Unbenannt2.PNG?dl=0 Reproduction steps: Download both mods and get the following messages: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1no8hb8epjthyjw/Screenshot (25).png?dl=0 P.S. Although being in the dependencies, running tundra (ksp) without P9 will work although not having textures etc.... Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5dsxs4rqstuqho/Player.log?dl=0 Im going to sleep now, but thank you for your help!
  4. I dont know if this thread is still active, but after i installed the mon, i recieved an "fatal error" telling me that for the Gojira ( i figured that out) B9 partswitcher was missing a tank called "LMOX" What can i do?
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