Yea, but imagine if it was as adaptive as a game like the new Doom games. You are floating in space, some ethereal space music plays, you begin burning, and more triumphant music begins to play. It would be so cool.
Difficulty will change based on where you are colonizing. Colonizing the mun will be relatively easy compared to colonizing Ovin. I imagine that the process will also slightly differ based on how far you are along the tech tree. Your first colonies will start with sending a bunch of modules with your spacecraft launching from kerbin and landing them separately, but when you are much more progressed i imagine you can pack that on one massive colony ship and send everything in one go, making it easier
Will the engine exhast change between spreading out when it leaves the nozzle or staying in the coneish shape when it leaves the nozzle depending on whether or not you are in a vaccum or not?