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  1. A perhaps minor nitpick, but some screens there show "km" as "KM" and "m" as "M". That's actually not right either - the SI unit system standard says those symbols must always be lowercase, i.e. "km" and "m". That matters even more because the next step is "Mm" (and then "Gm" and "Tm" and so on), and "MM" could be read either either "Mm" or "mm", and those are literally and exactly a billion times different from each other. Also and technically, "M" typically stands for "molar concentration unit", though obviously that has no meaning here. This is a regression from the KSP1 UI where, except for the altimeter which showed "k" as "K", the proper SI capitalization conventions were followed. It was also a bit hard to tell that the "AP" and "PE" readings were actually in hundreds of thousands (of meters), too, as that comma looked close enough to a period to fool me and I was wondering "why the heck is the orbit so low?!" for a while there. FWIW, SI also has an answer for that: you don't use commas to separate thousands, but spaces - thin spaces, actually, so the two groups of three digits should be only slightly separated from each other and more separated from the unit symbol. Of course, "in real life" everyone sloppily ignores this, but technically, that's the correct way to write any metric measurement.
  2. I would tint it differently, so it looks more like the pastel colors seen of a typical real-life galaxy, i.e. also more like the colors in the original game. Should be easy to mod, though, as others have pointed out Nonetheless, definitely looks more realistic insofar as the details go - the KSP1 background looks kinda cheaply airbrushed, though still far from shabby. Though of course, in its favor, we could also explain that in-universe as an abundance of the green material that forms Jool. But still, I like the KSP1 colors better I suppose.
  3. Thanks. Okay, never heard of that before, but if it works with that, that'll be great!
  4. Hmmm ... when they say this is to be "released to PC first", does that include Linux on PC, or is it only Microsoft that they're supporting?
  5. ADD 2: Despite my post I made in another area about how that I was going to be leaving this forum ... well, things didn't actually quite end up working out that way and I was actually still able to do some work on these mods. If you want to try it out, you can get a GitHub of it here: https://github.com/shimmyshai00/Cochrane but as I said the artwork is still very crude and one part (the warp field generator) has no texture at all, so I'm not going to call this a "release", just something to test with. If anyone wants to contribute improved artwork, they are free to do so.
  6. Hi. While I've only been here a relatively short time compared to others, I want to say there's been some important (but not bad!) life changes that mean I will not be able to play or mod Kerbal Space Program - at all - in at least the next year or so (so hopefully KSP2 will be ready then! ). I am going to be moving to a different city, starting graduate school, and most importantly, am changing to a different kind of desktop computer that is incapable of running the KSP program. As a result, I was going to donate to you the source code for various half-baked and seed projects related to this game that I had made. In particular I have both the never-completed Cochrane warp drive mod and SmartResources resource manager source code and model files (it really needs some good texture work & I do not like working with GIMP - but the basic warp drive functionality actually works for the most part including warp at time warp, though it's feature limited and no cool FX), and a cheap Unity based project titled "OpenKSP" which is right now a very tiny stub of nothing that so far does nothing but load a certain .mu file into Unity and render it. Thought I'd just give you that stuff so anyone who wants to play with it can when I am gone. I might do something with one or more of them tomorrow but that's about it, I'll post 'em to my github, then I'm off. Thanks!
  7. I've noticed a time warp issue with the electrical systems in the quad pack of mods consisting of this, Dynamic Battery Storage, System Heat, and Far Future Technologies in that if the NFE reactors (the SystemHeat versions) are put in with enough power draw and modest battery storage there will be power cut outs at high timewarp (10000x or more) which in one case are universally causing the FFT antimatter tanks to detonate and ruining the craft. The only workaround that seems to work is manually boosting the generation rate on the reactor, i.e. it seems to have to do with automatic throttle-down and I'm guessing electricity is transiently depleted before DBS can kick in and buffer it. Could this be fixed somehow? I am not sure where to ask this because I run all 4 mods together, but I figured this thread looks more active than the DBS one.
  8. It seems there is still a bug present where that, when the game tries to autosave, it results in a sudden and momentary depletion of electricity while at timewarp. This is annoying on some vessels, but downright catastrophic when something like antimatter tanks are included (i.e. vessel goes boom!). (ADD: Note this could be either this mod or it could be the related but different Near Future Electrical - I'm not sure.)
  9. ADD: Wanted to say that not only is this not dead, I'm going to have a first test release soon! It took much longer than I anticipated because I got very sidetracked into developing an outgrowth of this mod that basically resulted from being fed up with KSP's stock glitchy resource management system, in particular that it behaves badly at timewarp - and as a result I ended up spinning off a second, System Heat-like mod project (it's part of this warp drive mod now but the aim is to make it fully separate) to revamp and replace the stock resource handling system (in particular, this new resource system does not suffer from the infamous "time warp and have the batteries run dry" problem, and also tries to provide a decent interface for background processing, all in one). More on this if you want.
  10. Update (2022-05-11) IT GLOWS! Thumb up if you think this looks cool And I've also managed to get some ability for traveling at warp speed in time warp too. It is not yet proof good though because only goes up to 10x timewarp before it glitches and the ship blows away -- but still, that was useful enough to make a test trip to a GU star in about a couple hours of real time.
  11. Hmm. Would be interesting to see what they came up with. Does it parse star catalogs too, or is it just a .CFG generator?
  12. Not yet, but it's something I have planned to build, perhaps after Cochrane is at least at a working level and useful to cruise with. But yes, that's the idea - to generate .CFG from standardized astronomical data sets, though there's quite a few details to work out.
  13. Update: Have gotten some edges filed in the code, and you can select your warp speed now. For your viewing pleasure, 3195 "G" from Kerbol, after certifying the drive to reach warp 1.5:
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