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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. If only it did. Would give him something to see. Here fishy fishy fishy.
  2. Don't understand the parachutes unless you launch your subs from the rocket pad. Just made me think "Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could use a parachute as a spinnaker to pull boats."
  3. Everytime I get my minecraft world just right they bring out a new update And I start from scratch to see what I can achieve. I miss all my skeleton horses from when they used to spawn in great numbers every thunderstorm.
  4. When you are building and testing constantly it fills up the memory. Something in Squad's Unity engine doesn't clean out stuff you have done but don't need anymore while playing.
  5. I free dived down to the lowest point I could find in the ocean.
  6. @swjr-swis @Tsar_bomba No realism mods. My computer was very good when I built it but is well behind these days. To think I thought 16 gig of ram was overkil when I built it. Then I met KSP. Ok lets see if I can get these pics on here. Yay. Thank you swjr-swis.
  7. @Tsar_bomba For that sub. My Mk2 Ballast tanks (40 litre capacity each). "Kerbal Attachment System" My monopropellent intake on the roof to refresh the RCS blocks. Can't remember whose mod they came from, also not sure they are actually doing anything underwater. I made the intake for my Harrier Jumpjet and F35B Lightning II. It only works in an oxygen atmosphere. Landing VTOL aircraft in small areas can burn through a lot of monopropellant. It is set to only trickle monopropellant back in. The tail fins I believe are "Airplane Plus" Tweakscaled. The pusher propeller is a modded "Retro Future" Tail mount UHB. Converted to Electric Charge. Slowed to submarine speed spin of the props. Took away the transition to blur and removed the smoke trail. I think the rest is stock. The nose might be "MK2 Expansion" That mod has some great parts. I especially love the (once attachment rules were adjusted include surface and linked the the config file to an internal mesh, so that I could exit it as well as enter it) put anywhere hatch.
  8. @Tsar_bomba @swjr-swis @Angel-125 @Stone Blue So, I traveled out to the point in the ocean where the forum said the lowest point in the ocean should be. I adjusted ballast and slowly sank till I very lightly touched town. As soon as I touched down every thing shook and sounded as if an earth quake was happening. My controls went haywire, my ballast controls reversed, I lost all electrical power. All resources in tanks emptied themselves. and now being without ballast I quickly ascended back up over a kilometer to be left stranded on the surface of the ocean. Glad I play Sandbox. I EVA'd a kerbal. Grabbed a weight belt and crossed fingers as I descended very slowly back down. Thankfully he didn't implode when I touched down. I then used the "DEV" console to see my Lat, Long and depth so I could walk around till I found the lowest point I could. Forgot to plant a flag but got some screen shots. I guess that is Squad's version of "Crush Depth" https://imgur.com/a/ixqe8K6 Never can get the image to show up on here. whenever I paste in a link and hit insert ,the box goes pink and nothing happens.
  9. @Tsar_bomba Well the mass in the config was set to 0.09 for 90kg and if Kerbals in your game have the same base weight without stuff on their back, then you would need another roughly 94 kg to equal 1.9.1 so 0.184 mass should do the trick I think. Have a story about visiting the lowest point I could in the ocean but just need to complete a message to another player on a different topic first. @swjr-swis @Tsar_bomba My Kerbal has survived -1391 metres. more in a while. My sub though did not.
  10. Ah yes, I still remember trying to make my submarines sink before learning how to make adjustable ballast tanks. Fitting more and more ore tanks on till I finally got close to neutral buoyancy. Never thought you were bragging, Just thought you were setting yourself a fun challenge. I know water drag well. I have decent size sub that will do 90 m/s on the surface but only 30 m/s underwater. And my speed boat never was close to as fast before the Hydrofoils. I have a River Racer that sits high on hydrofoils once up to speed. Each hyrofoil is 2 elevons on the end of pylons, thin edge forward, all control input turned off (no pitch, roll, yaw. Amazing how fast SAS can destroy your craft.) and angled up to form a V shape. I find that makes them more stable to lean. At speed you let the Gyros roll lean the craft to steer rather than turn it. When you use a rudder it is best to ballance a top one with a bottom 1 so that when you turn it doesn't try to roll over. You experiment with hydrofoil elevons till you get the right deploy angle. Also you adjust the deploy angle as you gain speed to get the smoothest run as they react differently at different speeds. Hope this helps and wasn't just telling you stuff you already knew.
  11. Hi. Just wondering if these challenges have been set before. 1: Driving up every building in the stock KSC without flying. I have done this using "Breaking Ground" parts. 2:Racing from as close as you can get to the highest point on Kerbin to the lowest point (under the ocean) in the shortest possible time without flying. This is a challenge I am setting myself. I am happy for people to change vehicles along the way. Something tough to get down the mountain. something fast to drive to the closest coastal point. A boat to get to the ocean coordinates and then fillable ballast tanks to sink. If you have Breaking ground" and 1.9.1 compatible Kerbals (eg wearing RCS pack and kit) I can provide a simple config file to add to Deployed science to add an inventory item found in the "Cargo" category that when equipped in the Kerbals inventory will allow them to walk on the Ocean floor without floating up. (Helmets on) Pre parking vehicles to swap to. Is fine. No flying machines. If your Kerbal dies on route you have to start again A pic at the begining that shows time and height. A pic at the end that shows time and depth. A couple of metres leeway so people don't waste time trying to get dead on. Hope this fulfills the guidelines and hasn't already been done. All the coordinate data can be found on forum. If anybody is interested, in 1.91 I found that subs suffer crush depth damage if they touch down at -1391 metres but a free diving Kerbal can survive.
  12. Hi @Tsar_bomba. As @swjr-swis posted. I work within KSP 1.9.1 because all the mods I use play happily together in it. So my Kerbals all have a an RCS pack and parachute equipped at all times. I read somewhere that a fully kitted Kerbal weighs in at about 98kg. the 90kg weight belt makes them sink at no more than a metre a second in my game. @Angel-125 I guess I will still need the weight belt as I would like to have a Kerbal stand at the lowest point under the ocean without imploding if they are under 400m
  13. Hi @Hotel26 Yes, trying to turn at speed was always a disaster. At the least, loss of engines. at the most every part going in every direction. The weirdest thing for me the first time it happened was it taking off in a stable fashion and then being able to fly it back to the KSC . It was not designed to fly. It used Mk2 body parts, some elevons and front canards. The only bit of wing was right at the back in the spoiler, but yet it flew quite well. If I was very careful I could land it back in the water without ripping anything off.
  14. Hi @Angel-125 Seriously geeking out over your teaser Ad. So professional. Based on the name of your S.C.U.B.A manufacturer I am guessing that James Kerbal strkes like "Thunderball". If you are Wild Blue, I have WildBlueIndustries installed so I already have knowledge of your fine work. Maybe it should be S.K.U.B.A "Stylish Kerbal Underwater Breathing Apparatus"
  15. Hi @Tsar_bomba. As @swjr-swis posted. I work within KSP 1.9.1 because all the mods I use play happily together in it. So my Kerbals all have a an RCS pack and parachute equipped at all times. I read somewhere that a fully kitted Kerbal weighs in at about 98kg. the 90kg weight belt makes them sink at no more than a metre a second in my game. Hope you got it worked out for your game. Seriously looking forward to @Angel-125 finishing his project. I can only drain a Kerbals EVA propellant quickly, because I can't workout how to get the ballast tank to actually appear in the Kerbal UI. Works fine in a ballast tank part but not in a Kerbal.
  16. To @Stone Blue I solved the smoke trail issue. Even though I had blocked the line // it still kept showing up. So I changed fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, power to fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout Now it will only appear if I flame out. Which being It is always going to be at sea level or under shouldn't happen. https://imgur.com/a/fNyRzKP
  17. Wow @Angel-125 You are seriously above my pay grade. I only created the weight belt because I couldn't find something like what you are making. I hope you share when you get it the way you want. I toyed around with kerbal ballast before I realised that I had to mod the "Future EVA" cfg in the Breaking Ground Expansion to get a change. so back then nothing showed up. I will have to try again. I was thinking "Eva propellant " as the input and ballast as the output. then reverse to come back. To @Tsar_bomba and @Stone Blue The amendment that Stone Blue presented worked and now the weight belt reads as "a cargo part that can be put in inventories" Thanks Stone Blue.
  18. Hi @Hotel26. If you are trying for a speed record you should try putting some hydrofoils on the bottom to lift the body out of the water but still be in contact with the water. 2 small elevons that I adjusted till I got the angles right, and then an adjustable rear spoiler and an adjustable front canard to counteract it lifting too much. The best I could ever achieve before it would take off was 270 metres a second or 524.8378 knots. That was with 2 Wheesley cruise jet engines. And yes if you got it wrong the engines were quick to rip off. Good luck.
  19. Hi @FruitGoose I will have to play and make some new screen shots of going up VAB but I did find some from my control tower climb and Satellite dish climb. https://imgur.com/a/DYPoWzc Now updated with new shots of my advanced design climbing the VAB. This 1 can slowly swim and has a separate flying sled it can drive onto and lock in with the Kerbal Attachment System. To take it to the mountains for sheer rock climbing.
  20. Thanks @Stone Blue . I will give it a try. Won't be a fast response as it takes 10 minutes to load my KSP. While you are being helpful. I have been modding a "RetroFuture Tail Mount UHB" to be an electric Submarine pusher propeller. The only thing I haven't solved is how to get the smoke trail to not show up. Any idea how to do this?
  21. https://imgur.com/a/zpg3WW8 Well it works if you are willing to go to the imgur page. Hi @Dientus here is the link in another thread of what I did. I don't think you need Breaking Ground for this. Someone more knowlegeable feel free to correct me.
  22. Hi @Stone Blue. this just to see if it works. I have to see if I have my original building climbing shots as I once had a Kerbal Konstructs meltdown and to reload everything. If not I will have to play and take some new ones. Nope I paste in the link hit insert, the background goes pink and nothing happens.
  23. Hi @Stone Blue. Tried that. It was in the Cargo category but wouldn't transfer to the cabinet. I will also try the imgur thing, thanks.
  24. Hi @Tsar_bomba. If you have Breaking ground then in Gamedata/SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience. Create a new text document saved as WeightBelt.cfg Copy and paste the following in it and save. This is raw without a mesh change so it will still look like the mystery goo machine. Play Ksp. Make a craft with a Deployed science cabinet known in game as the Cargo catagory. Load with the machine named Weight Belt. Take your craft to water. EVA and have the Kerbal load the Weight Belt into their inventory slot. Happily sink. If you did this somewhere deep. Click on the inventory slot so the Weight Belt is on your pointer but don't put it anywhere. as long as you don't left click the mouse to drop it somewhere then the Kerbal will float back up and swim etc. If you click it back in the inventory slot the Kerbal will go back to sinking. Enjoy,
  25. Hi @FruitGoose. I am afraid I don't currently have the things required to video in game. And as I also don't have an online image account I can't show you my screenshots, as apparently you can't directly upload from your computer here. Which is sad because I love the screenshot where I am precariously parked on the top of the control tower that is attached to the SPH. But I can explain how to do it so here goes. As fun as it is climbing up a sheer wall. Carefully driving over the edge of the VAB roof without falling off and driving all the way down is very satisfying. Also perfecting a design that will climb up the tiered sides feels good.
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