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Everything posted by Endeavour

  1. I loved the rendezvous with the space station and the lunar landing scenes. My family thought they were long and boring, but I loved every minute of it. It all felt so plausible.
  2. Do you have Kosmo-not\'s rendezvous table? It is the best way to rendezvous currently.
  3. I find the small ships unrealistic, but I do agree they are great for framerate.
  4. RZA Luxury Munliner was an awesomely huge and rediculous asymmetrical rocket. I found it in the stock repository.
  5. That Pegasus launch was very disappointing. The only thing worth watching was the detachment of the rocket from the plane. They should have had cameras on the rocket
  6. You should build a rocket and fly to the moon
  7. Lander Mk3? For landing on Kerbin?
  8. I watched it when I was younger. I really enjoyed it too. But if it ever comes on by chance now, I can\'t stand it. It\'s nothing like it used to be.
  9. If this is put in it better be an optional thing. I have come very close to breaking every part of my computer and multiple windows just from my own mistakes. If things start randomly breaking half way there, I might go insane
  10. I believe it is exactly 2869.4km and 1008.9m/s But anything around there is fine.
  11. Sounds right. Here in America, if you don\'t like something you can just sue it. Did you know they have warning on coffee cups here because a lady spilled it on herself, and sued the store? Now they have to have warnings.
  12. Endeavour


    I was at the zoo a while ago, and this little kid tried to poke a goat and got bit. It was so funny
  13. Welcome to the Forums! That is a nice looking rocket!
  14. Some mod packs use it as a way to separate parts
  15. I saw a show that said that also. I think I remember Stephen Hawking explaining it.
  16. Endeavour


    Well that makes sense. We can see the surface of the Moon with our eyes. We can\'t see the bottom of the ocean.
  17. Have you done one manually? It helps if you know how to do one without Mechjeb I found.
  18. There should be a planet like Arrakis in the Kerbol system! Spice could be valuable.
  19. Soyuz? I\'d bring a shuttle out of retirement just to ride on it.
  20. I was actually thinking of Apollo. I should\'ve been more specific. How did they do it?
  21. If the engines are added with symettry they will all deactivate together, but you still need to right click on it.
  22. So today, somebody said the common saying 'Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you\'ll land among the stars.' And it got me wondering. If I was to shoot for the Moon and miss in a conventional rocket, on a normal trans-lunar trajectory, would I orbit the Earth? Or would I have reached escape velocity and be orbiting the Sun, thus among a star?
  23. I think he meant 25 trillion dollars in actually wealth, such as in pure gold or diamonds or whatever. Adding 25 trillion to the economy would cause crazy inflation.
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