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Space Kerbalisation Tech

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Everything posted by Space Kerbalisation Tech

  1. banned because you can the conciquence of saying 'because i can' ICBanM successfully launched
  2. i set off another matter bomb and your hill is burried under a wave of rocks, dirt and whatever hills are made of. I guard it with a giant mouse trap that will trap anyone who approaches. MY HILL
  3. try nerta, benjee and angel125's mod packs these are relativly simple, highly detailed and textured mods. BTW RO/RSS is really realistic and pretty fun to play with, but it makes everything much more complex and harder so unless you have a lot of time and paitiance (around 15 mins of loading time, quite a few bugs, lower fps and frequent ragequitting is what it's like to start in RO/RSS when you're used to start, at least it is what happened when i started it), i suggest you try something simpler
  4. they were driving on nothing, since they are debug-menu-enabled cheaty indestructable tanks that can fly (jeb insisted everything had 8 'kickback' srbs attached to it) STILL MY HILL
  5. durring the time when we.were taking over the hill, the kerbal space forces have made the first antimatter bomb. they look for a random place to test it so i told them to test it on the hill after the explosion which vaporises everything except the hill (which has somehow survived), i come have with some tanks, RPGs and missiles and take over the hill. MY HILL
  6. still, you didn't notice me hiding somewhere in a radiation proof bunker playing ksp for the last 500 years playing ksp without timewarp. i get out, place some nuclear salt water rocket engines and open cycle gas core nulcear thermal rocket engines (they all have radioactive exhaust) and fire them at the hill. the hill is vapourised instantly in a radioactive plume of smoke. i build a new hill on top of it while wearing a radiation proof suit and built planet moving boosters around it for no reason whataoever because i like overkill MY HILL
  7. ksp2 is a separate game, so i imagine most users will have to pay for it again.
  8. I'm not sure about what kind of design you have, but normally, using 40 baguettes way too much. Perhaps you can use instead a bigger tank which can hold more fuel and greatly reduce the part count (thereby also making fuel transfer much easier).
  9. This would probably be hard to implement, but i totally agree that this should be done. perhaps not in the initial release (I DO NOT WANT KSP2 TO BE DELAYED AGAIN) but certainly in a future update. The reason i want for this to be implemented is kinda obvious, which is the fact that every time that i land a spaceplane on water the hull remains intact but the cargo inside is destroyed. not sure if a cargo bay would be airtight though...
  10. BUT, a tiny lump of dirt on the ground ISN'T a hill. According to wikipedia, "A hill is a landform that extends above the surrounding terrain. It often has a distinct summit." And a tiny lump of dirt does not extend above the surrounding terrain (because someone dropped a brick next to it and the brick is much higher than the lump of dirt). So put some HUGE boosters onto Gilly, and push it back through the ksp to real life wormhole from previous posts (i repaired it) and it crashes into the exact spot which your lump of dirt is on earth. Because of the heat and energy released by the impact, you lump of dirt is vaporised. The smoking remains of Gilly that is sticking out is now my hill. MY HILL
  11. I didn't lock my hill. The "locks" you changed were actually a self destruct switch which was activated, so the hill explodes. My army of 1000 mountain-sized stomach-pumped moles who no longer have stomach cramps rebuild the hill I rehire the overly enthusiastic jeb kerman to defend the hill. MY MOUNTAIN SIZED MOLE HILL
  12. some mountain sized moles and eat all your ants. They build a new hill MY MOUNTAIN SIZED MOLE HILL
  13. What mods do you have installed? Logs? Do you have any screenshots? Are you able to reproduce this issue and if so what causes it? Answering these questions could give you better support/answers. Thanks.
  14. Do you mean when you get extra smooth when you do a science report at that location/situation? pls provide screenshots for extra clarity
  15. Unfortunately, i install n-body physics and stuff like that so a gravitational alignment with the outer moons of jool eject laythe towards a black hole. As it approaches the black hole, tidal forces pull the moon apart and destroy the colony just at that moment, hawking radiation make the black hole collapse but not before a part of laythe gets a gravity assist and flies off towards the real solar system at near light speed. It crashes into Earth exactly in the position where the previous hills where, and a chunk of the planet sticking out forms a hill, which i immediately claim .
  16. i use a modified starship to deliver a 100 ton antimatter bomb onto your hill. The explosion radius is so big that i can detonate it anywhere on Kerbin, it will always destroy the entire planet. After kerbin is destroyed, i create an artificial hill on dres because there is some saying that dres doesn't exist, so no one will try to come and find it.
  17. I built a mun base i landed a starship on duna and made a perfect, 100% successful launch lol
  18. due to extreme fog, the "hill" you claimed was actually the vab (remember it's on kerbin now) i get jeb to crash a saturn v into the vab and destroy it i claim the hill next to the island airfield. i build a dyson sphere around it to protect it
  19. what tag should i use in the ksp vab in search to find the parts, as in ALL the parts, as all the keywords i have been using can't get all the parts, there always seem to be a few parts that are left out and i have to tediously find them by going into each category (quite hard and very slow when you have a ton of mods installed)
  20. random question, but are you planning to make more near future/far future mods?
  21. banned for carpet bombing BTW everyone uses nuclear icbms now (lol jk)
  22. side effect: every time you go back one hour it creates a duplicate you (one from the past, one from the future) and it gets so annoying and strange that you proceed to rickroll yourself as it's LESS annoying superpower: the ability to play ksp in real life
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