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Everything posted by Adiri

  1. THIS MOD IS 100% ABANDONED, DO NOT USE. please use the continuation mod (linked below). Thanks y’all.
  2. Avalanche is a new mod, RSMP is dead and abandoned.
  3. Some are not set up, or they’re bugged. This mod is essentially dead. @Kochiis working on an update to their own mod that does the same thing.
  4. It’s a side effect of the way it’s set up. I had to bypass RealPlume so it caused some issues.
  5. Not sure why that is happening. After uninstalling the mod on CKAN the link appears fine?
  6. Yes that’s a side effect of the way I set the sounds up. I didn’t find out a way to fix it but maybe Dan can.
  7. CKAN links to the correct GitHub now. Thanks @HebaruSan
  8. Is there a way to update where CKAN links it's github and spacedock links? Those that are referenced are both deleted, and new ones are available but I'm not sure how to change them.
  9. Updated download link, now links to @dangaffa github. Looking to fix the CKAN downloads as well.
  10. In that case please make a new thread. This one is cluttered and old.
  11. @dangaffa has a fork on GitHub. I’ll tell them to send the link to it here if they wish.
  12. Sorry. It’s my mod, I can do with it what I wish.
  13. Alright people, this mod is now abandoned. I can't bring myself to work on it anymore and have it take up time I could use for things I enjoy more that will actually pay me. If somebody wants to takeover development then message me. Sorry
  14. @dangaffa figured out a fix for the persisting plume bug. It is currently forked on github but I’ll integrate it soon, as well as Spacedock so it’s available. Probably the last update for a while.
  15. listed on spacedock, but i changed the brightness, fixed a broken config
  16. fix out https://spacedock.info/mod/2992/RSMP - Remastered Solid Plume Effects#info| don't use github, it is outdated.
  17. Alright well this mod could definitely be considered dead… Long story short, burnout got the best of me and I haven’t been interested in anything ksp related in ~2 months. As of now this mod is on hiatus. I will be back soon™️.
  18. I thought I did…I don’t remember. I don’t have much time to work on this mod so I am thinking of stopping (what little work I have done) work on it.
  19. Will fix it and upload it to github soon
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