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  1. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 | RAM: 48GB So recently i stumbled upon a bug which completely ruined my mission. I tried to launch a satellite to Eve using 4 IX-6315 "Dawn" Ion engines and at first everything worked out well. Until i reached an orbit with an Apogee of 2,14km and a Perigee of 0,99km, i am not sure if this is relevant but i am including it anyways. I then tried to do another engine fire to make my orbit even higher but when i tried to time warp with the engines on, it completely stopped changing my orbit. The engines did work as in that they consumed fuel and electricity but the orbit was completely unchanged. The only usable info i have is a video of me showing it which is here or in the attached files. I will try to launch an identical mission to try if it works on that one and if it is maybe just limited to that specific craft. If i learn anything by that i will add it to the replies. I will be glad for any replies and/or help. Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22024-03-2718-11-05.mp4 .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  2. Thank you, I have tried this and it worked. I am not sure if it will help to prevent this in the future tho.
  3. So I have been normally playing ksp 2 and I have noticed that the time it took for the game to save my progress was becoming progressively longer. When it took like 3 minutes to save my game I have decided to look into the folder where it saves the game and I have discovered something horrible. The last save had 1.63 GB, yeah GIGABYTES. I have managed to look inside these files and at the bottom (it did not manage to load as a whole so I did not manage to get to the real bottom) I found a lot of text that was repeating itself (I added the image below). I have no idea what causes this, I have no mods installed nor did I change anything with the game. I really need some help because this is making my game completely unplayable. You can see the images below (most of the text will be in Czech but it's useless anyways so just ignore it): Below is the image of the repeating text in the save file Below is the first image of the save file folder. Below is the second image of the save file folder.
  4. Hello, i would like to ask where should i get the Parallax_StockTextures from. The only two zip files that are on the github page are Parallax and Parallax_ScatterTextures. Thank you.
  5. Thanks, i toggled them off and now it will no longer annoy me.
  6. Here is a video of the issue i have. https://youtu.be/a8Geqh1-BR4
  7. The problem with light effects is that they actually flicker and they are very buggy i would expect for them to be just a 2D texture but in my case they look like someone tried to animate them and the file got corrupted. I used CKAN to check on some updates but everything is updated. Also i'm using the newest KSP version. And i also discovered that mun textures are bugged only when a specific amount of light is shining on the surface. Because it only happens when there is a sunset.
  8. Hi, i've been having some issues with textures after i downloaded a bunch of visual changing mods. No one seems to have the same issues and if anyone knows how to fix them i would greately appreciate some help. I added an image of all my mods and also the issue i've been having. Any help appreciated. Here you can see that these "bright" spots on Kerbin are very weird and contain black shapes. If you would move the camera in game they would actually even flash and it's very annoying. Here are the same bright spots but seen from Space Center Here is a whole Mun terrain bugged except for those 3 "Minecraft chunks" An image of all my mods
  9. I found one problem, firstly i tried copying only the SimpleConstruction folder but the whole EL just stopped working and when i tried running the game it wrote me that some of the objects can't load. What can i do to make it functional while not removing my whole minmus base?
  10. So i build my minmus base which can produce rocket parts and i thought that to build rockets i just need rocket parts but when i open up UI it shows that it needs material kits and specialized parts. Do i have to remove some mod for it to be just rocket parts? In other tutorials on youtube there are just rocket parts. I also haven't found any material kits or specialized parts in VAB. Image: https://ctrlv.cz/VhHH Image from tutorial youtube video: https://ctrlv.cz/e4tV
  11. But seriously, i need help. I really wanted to build that functional launchpad and now i can't. Please someone help me.
  12. So i build my minmus base which can produce rocket parts and i thought that to build rockets i just need rocket parts but when i open up UI it shows that it needs material kits and specialized parts. Do i have to remove some mod for it to be just rocket parts? In other tutorials on youtube there are just rocket parts. I also haven't found any material kits or specialized parts in VAB. Image: https://ctrlv.cz/VhHH Image from tutorial youtube video: https://ctrlv.cz/e4tV
  13. I just found out that for some reason instead of the normal blue orbit line, mod named Trajectories will create one white line over it because of my settings in that mod and when i will speed up it will have maybe some troubles calculating the orbit and just does weird stuff.
  14. I have PreciseManeuver mod but i never had same problems before. I removed it and that white line still generates.
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