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Everything posted by epicpupster239

  1. Could you maybe add an option to disable the additional fuels added? Playing the mod without the added resources as it causes some issues with the current parts I have.
  2. After installing the KSPIE suite of mods on CKAN, as well as skyhawk science system, I get packet & bandwith readings of zero, effectively rendering antennas useless as they cant transmit data. At first i assumed this was kerbalism since it handles science transmission differently, but then i remember that the numbers werent zero before. I'm running KSP on 1.12.2 This is the link for the file that includes a screenshot, the log, and the modlist with version numbers. https://mega.nz/folder/lcxQSBRa#KRT9Z9jCyQ028i3hyMXf3A
  3. I'm having the same issues as well, would like to know if theres a work around. Running both FMRS and SR
  4. This was encountered in a custom difficulty modded save, and occurred while assembling a space station in LKO. Shortly after docking the space station with the new module (the mobile processing lab), the game ran for about 3 seconds before closing entirely. No freeze, no error message, the game immediately closes. The following link has two text documents; the log and the mod list. https://mega.nz/folder/QUoBHYZa#LOX50saa8jW3XJHlpuIztw
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